Hey, Claude Johnson here from guitarcontrol.com.
I hope you’re doing awesome today. I want to show you
a Black Sabbath Riff – Electric Guitar Lesson.
What we’re doing here is we’re using power chords or 5
chords. If you’re not familiar with this, here’s what
we’re doing. We’re starting on B. So I’ve got my first
finger on the 2nd fret of the A string down here and
then ring finger on the 4th fret of the next string,
which is the D string and then I’ve also got my pinkie
on the 4th fret of the G string. Now this is what’s
called a power chord. It’s also called a 5 chord and
I’m going to tell you why. We could actually just forget
the pinkie and play these two and it’s a different
version of a power chord.
A little bit about music theory. If you were to start
counting notes on the major scale, so in the key of B
if we went to the B major scale, and count-out five notes.
That’s a 5th, okay? This next note is actually another B,
which is called the octave. It’s one octave higher, but
it’s still a B. So we have root, 5th, octave.
All we’re doing on this riff is sliding this same shape
up and down. I’m going to go… I’m actually just going
to pick once and slide up and then pick again. Notice
what I did: pick, slide. So it’s like pick, slide, pick,
slide, pick. Now I’m going to slide all the way up to
here. It’s all slides. It can be a little tricky to get
that rhythm.
Let me just tell you the names of the frets. The 2nd fret,
5th, 7th, 10th sliding to 9th, 5th, 7th. Check the link in
the video description for the tabs. I’ll give you all of
this tabbed-out so you can check it out. If you’re interested
in learning lots of songs, not just one or two riffs, but
the complete song with the accurate chords, tabs and all
of the instructions. I warmly invite you to check-out
guitarsongcollection.com where I’ve got three volumes
of killer tunes and I think you’re going to love it.
Once again, guitarsongcollection.com. Take care.