Check out this free Easy Killer Melody Based Rock Song Intros lesson from Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. Be sure to get the free tabs for this lesson so you can easily follow along with Easy Killer Melody Based Rock Song Intros.

Hey everybody how’s it going? This is Darrin with bringing you this video lesson and today I want to teach you Easy Killer Melody Based Rock Song Intros. So what I mean by that is they’re a sequence of notes that is taken out of a scale from the key that the song is in. So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look.
Melody Based Intro “Up Around The Bend”
All right, so the first Easy Killer Melody Based Rock Song Intros I want to show you how to do is the intro to “Up Around The Bend” by CCR. So we’re gonna do this one first because it’s a little bit easier than the next one we’re gonna look at. So for this one here we’re gonna start off and you’re just gonna play your Dstring open and we’re going to do a slide from nowhere to the 10th fret on the B string with your third finger. So if you don’t know what I mean by a slide from nowhere let’s just say we were going to start here at the seventh fret on the B string and we’re going to slide to 10. So I would pick and then slide but a slide from nowhere I could still start there, but instead of pick and then slide you pick and slide simultaneously. So we play the open D and then we’re going to take that third finger we’re going to roll it up so we’re also gonna hit the 10th fret of the high E string and then back to the B string and then with your first finger go to the seventh fret of the B string and then back to the 10th fret of the B string just like that, so this play that twice. Then we’re going to change our bass note from the D to an A. Now we hit our open A string and we’re going to do the same thing again, we’re going to do the slide from nowhere to the ninth fret, but to the ninth fret of the G string and then we’re going to follow that with the tenth fret of the B string, back to the ninth fret of the G string and then to the sixth fret of the G string, back to the ninth fret; so it does it twice on the first shape and then once on the second and then it goes back to the first one again.
Melody Based Intro “Lonely Is The Night”
All right so the other Easy Killer Melody Based Rock Song Intros I want to show you how to play is the intro for the song Lonely is the night by Billy Squire. This is a really cool riff in my opinion. This is one of the one of the riffs that I heard that really got me interested in wanting to play guitar. When I was in the sixth grade I had a friend that was way into Billy Squire and he brought his Walkman to school one day and let me hear this song and I just thought the little intro was really cool. So this one is a little bit more complex than the previous one was. So we’re starting off on the second fret of the G string and I’m using my second finger for this and we’re going to slide to the fourth fret. We’re going to follow that with just the E string and then the B string open, so pick slide and then the E and the B strings and then we’re going to come back down to the second fret again on the G string, so we’re gonna go from the second fret to the first fret. So I’m just using my first finger and then from there to the second fret of the D string and then the low E open. Then we do this the slide from two to four again and do the first and the second strings, back down to the second fret and then we’re gonna go two one two on the G string. So then we do the first part again, but instead of going to the low E we go to the second fret of the of the D string and now we’re going to change our hand position and we’re going to put our first fret finger onto the second fret of the A string and we’re going to pick that and do a hammer on with our third finger to the fourth fret and then follow that with the second fret of the D string. Then we come up to the fourth fret of the A string and use my first finger here and we’re going to pick and slide to the fifth fret and follow that with the open D string, so we pick slide pick pick slide pick back to the fourth fret back down to the second fret, open sixth string and then the first two strings played together open.
Alright so I hope you enjoyed Easy Killer Melody Based Rock Song Intros and got something out of it. If you like this video be sure to give me a thumbs up. Leave a comment down below if there’s something you would like to see covered either by myself or one of the other instructors at in a future lesson. That is all I’ve got for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.
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