Check out this killer lesson on three fun and easy guitar riffs by the Foo Fighters. Be sure to get the free tabs to go along with the step by step video instruction and you will be rockin’ these modern classics tonight!

How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with bringing you this video lesson and today I’ve got three easy riffs for you from the Foo Fighters.
Right now Guitar Control is giving away a free ebook, 30 Powerful and Useful Open Chords. There’s a link down in the description you can click to download your ebook for free.
So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tab so let’s get close up and take a look at these.
Foo Fighters Riff-1 – Monkey Wrench
The first one we’re going to look at is the intro for Monkey Wrench and this one here is pretty easy. All of the notes that you’re going to be fretting are all on the G string and then you simultaneously play the open B string along with it and it’s all made up of eighth notes; so it’s really easy to count. So we start here on the 11th fret of the G string and that’s one and, and then for two and we move to the ninth fret… for three and we move to the eighth fret and for four and we move to the sixth fret… and that’s our first measure. Then starting on the second measure we move back to the ninth fret for one and to the eighth fret for two and to the sixth fret for three and, and the fourth fret for four. Then starting on the third measure we move back up to the sixth fret for one and back down to the fourth fret for two and down to the first fret for three and back to the fourth fret for four and… And then on our fourth measure we start here on the sixth fret and it’s one and then back to the fourth fret for two and back to the sixth fret for three and, but it’s different. So we’re gonna go three and we’re gonna do a little bend, half step bend, three and four and then on the and of four back to the fourth fret. So the whole thing…
Foo Fighters Riff-2 – My Hero
All right so the next one we’re going to look at is My Hero. So this part we’re doing here this is a riff from the intro and it’s actually two separate guitars, but I’ve combined the two parts together. So we’re going to start off with an E5; so the open sixth string, second fret of the A string and this is a quarter note and then on the downbeat of two we hit that again and on the and of two we just hit the high E and B strings open and that’s on the and of two, but it’s tied to the downbeat of three. So we’ve got one, two and three and then on the and of three hit the open B and E string again… Then we’ve got the C sharp five over A flat (C#5/Ab). So we’re gonna compare to the fourth fret and you’re going to take your first finger and bar it so you’re picking up the fourth fret of the E and the A string and then your third finger is going to go on to the sixth fret of the D string and then your first finger is also getting the fourth fret of the G string. So we hit this on the downbeat of four and then you just hit the G string again for the and four and then that’s tied to the downbeat of one. So you just keep this shape then we’re going to take our pinky and we’re gonna bring it up here to the fifth fret or excuse me the seventh fret of the B string and while that’s still ringing out I’m gonna hit that one and then take it off for hand two and put it back on for three… So like I said it’s normally it’s a two-part thing. One guitar would just do… and the other guitar would be doing that while that’s chords ringing out, but this is just the combination of the two.
Foo Fighters Riff-3 – Everlong
All right and then finally we’re going to be looking at Everlong. So for this one you need to be in drop D; so we’re just going to tune our low E string down to a D, so that way our D string are the same note. All right so we start off come up here to the ninth fret on the A string with your first finger and then your third finger to the 11th fret of the D string. So it’s just a regular five chord, but we’re going to play the open low E string tuned down to a D, so this is all eighth notes one and, two and, three and four… So if you noticed on the tabs it’s like one and, and then on the and of or the downbeat of two we pick up the D string and then we go back to just the E and the A, back to the A and the D. So it like goes back and forth… and that’s the first two measures. Starting on the third measure we’re going to take our first finger and we’re just going to move it down so now we’re picking up the ninth fret of the low E string and the ninth fret of the A string and your third finger is still on the 11th fret of the D string and we’re going to do the same timing. Then we’re going to move this shape down so now we’re barring at the fifth fret with the fifth fret of the low and the A string with our first finger and then the seventh fret of the D string with our third finger and this is like one and two and three and four… and then on the and of four we pick this and slide back up to nine, the whole chord shape, and then it just repeats…
All right so there you have it, three not two terribly difficult riffs to play from the Foo Fighters. So if you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.