Challenge your rhythm skills with this killer riff from the song The Carpal Tunnel Of Love by Fallout Boy. Be sure to get the free tabs to go along with the step by step video instruction for challenging Fallout Boy riff.

How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with bringing you this video lesson and today I’ve got another riff lesson that is a really good exercise for rhythm; for both your hands different techniques. 0This time we are looking at the opening riff from the song the Carpal Tunnel Of Love by Fallout Boy. Now you’re probably thinking this is really strange that I’ve chosen this riff, but I transcribed this song for a student and this riff is a really good exercise in the vein of like the Doobie Brothers riff and different things that we’ve done in the past.
So right now we’ve got this really cool chord chart that we’re giving away and there’s a link down in the description where you can download yours. It’s in PDF format and you can print it out and then just have it wherever you practice or whatever and it just contains every chord in a easy to read easy to follow format that doesn’t take up a bunch of space; a really helpful really handy tool.
So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at Challenge Your Rhythm Skills With This Riff.
Fallout Boy Riff
All right so for this Challenge Your Rhythm Skills With This Riff lesson I’m actually in drop D tuning, so it just means I’ve got my low E string tuned down to a D. So for the most part here there’s only two shapes that we’re going to be doing. So the first one is here I’m on the fifth fret of the A string with my first finger and I’m on the seventh fret of the G string with my third finger, same note they’re octaves, but we want the D string to be muted, so I’ve just got my first finger kind of drooped down so it’s just touching that string to keep it quiet. All right so we’re going to be doing combinations of those two notes and so by muting this way I can actually strum all of the strings where I’m just getting those two D notes there; so we’re going to be altering between doing that and muting just for the percussive sound. So we start off we rest on the first three beats, so it’s one two three four and then we’ve got the octaves thing here and we’re gonna play that, one, two, three and four; so we got two quarter notes one two and then on three it’s eighth notes, so I’m just gonna mute the strings three and, and then back. So when I do mute the strings I just take my middle finger and just lay it down, you don’t want to press because then you end up hearing the strings, so you just want to touch it, just getting that percussive sound… So the next measure starts off on beat one with the octaves; one, two, and, and then we’re going to come up here to the eighth fret and I’m going to barre my first finger so it goes across the eighth fret of the low E string, A string and D string and that’s a b flat five (Bb5) power chord… and that’s on the downbeat of three and it’s a half note so it takes care of beats three and four and that’s like half of the riff… Okay and then starting on the fourth measure, which is actually the third measure of the part that we’re going to be repeating and after we do that we do that Bb5 then we’re gonna come back up put our fingers back on for the octave again and we’re gonna do two mutes, one and, and then the octave on beat two is a quarter note, two mutes, three and, and then the octave for beat four so one, two, three, and, four… Then on the last measure we start off with the octaves for beat one… then we’re gonna come back to that Bb5; two, three, four and we slide down a half step and then it would just repeat; so after we do that we’re right back to… So it’s a it’s a really cool riff and don’t worry about trying to play it fast, just worry about you know trying to get it consistent, four and one two three and four… just like that. So like I said this is it’s a really good exercise and the song is actually really fast so you could work your way up with the speed, but even playing it slow it’s good because you’re keeping consistent rhythm with your right hand and then with your left hand, your fretting hand, you’re muting the strings and you’re doing the octave thing, there’s a lot of stuff going on in this; so I just feel it was just a really good exercise and I wanted to share with you guys.
All right so there you have it, a riff from The Carpal Tunnel of Love by Fallout Boy. Like I said this is a really great exercise for working both your hands with rhythm and it’s just a little bit different and might be a little bit out of your comfort zone of stuff that you’ve worked with before and I just feel like that it’s really beneficial. So if you like this Challenge Your Rhythm Skills With This Riff lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching Challenge Your Rhythm Skills With This Riff and have a great day.