Guitar Scale System | Guitar Control Fri, 29 Jan 2021 03:55:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Guitar Scale System | Guitar Control 32 32 “I AM PERHAPS THE DEADLIEST GUITAR ALIVE” Fri, 23 May 2008 19:22:39 +0000 A Wild True Story About Mortal Combat, Million-dollar Research
And Becoming a Guitar God VERY, VERY Fast…
By Virtuwul

Hey folks,

This is Claude’s good friend, Virtuwul…
And I want to share a personal information
and I think you’ll be surprised how it will
impact your guitar playing.

It started when I was 19 years old.
I was a young intense guy who was
looking for the most powerful self-defense
system on the planet.

I had tried traditional martial arts and
it just didn’t cut the cake for me. The fact is

When I want something I want it NOW.
(You’ll see how this led to one of the greatest
guitar practicing discoveries ever in a minute.)

So by pure dumb luck, one day I read an ad
about a guy who kicked the ass of 3 neo-nazi
skinheads (and told them to “go get more guys”).

He had trained Navy Seals, SWAT, Delta Forces…
He was American Kickboxing Champion,
The #1 rated shootboxer in the world
and all kinds of other crazy things.

This guy sounded like the real deal,
so I took the plunge and ordered
his DVDs.

A few weeks later, I get them and pop them in
and I was in SHOCK and AWE.

This was IT. This was what I had secretly
been wishing for my entire life…

First of all, there was a dude who weighed
135 lbs soaked wet and he was a killing machine.

What I saw next is the KEY PART that will
change how you practice guitar forever…

He did some really weird, strange DRILLS.

Now, there’s no way I can explain in writing
what I saw. It would take 20 pages to detail it.

Then, he explained that he was literally
re-wiring the skinny dudes nervous system.
The most mindblowing part is: I SAW IT.

I actually saw the guy’s speed go up DOUBLE
in front of my own eyes in less than 5 minutes.

Here’s what I did next…

I was so blown away that I contacted this
legend and I said I needed to train with him.

I’ll just cut to the chase: he made me a very,
VERY deadly man.

Even the very first training session, he did
those crazy nervous system drills and I
tripled my speed. I know it sounds insane,
but I swear I’m not exaggerating.

I was probably (and maybe still am?)
the deadliest guitar player alive and
I’m not talking about my guitar skills.

Of course, I became close friends with
this killing-machine and he shared the
insider scoop where this ultra-powerful
nervous system drills came from.

The short story is… that he infiltrated
an underground group of streetfighters
in his early 20′s and they had gotten
hold of this Russian nervous system technology
that had made Russia the greatest olympic
team in the world (they were winning
gold medal after gold medal using this process).

It works for ANY physical endeavor –

So last year, I was talking to Claude on
the phone and I shared with him the
entire story. He was intrigued…

Then, I gave him a specific protocol
to test out on the guitar.

He did — and he was amazed!

He actually “FELT” his nervous system
shift up a gear.

Then, he explained to me that he was building
a cool new system that was going to make
practicing 10X more fun.

I said: “DUDE… You absolutely need to program
the russian nervous system technology inside of the guitar scale system.
It’s going to make the guys improve 5X faster in
the same amount of time!”

So, he agreed…

And here we are, just days away from
opening the doors to what I think it’s
going to the coolest “guitar club” on the web.

I’ll be sharing an interesting report with you
later this week about how your nervous system
works and I think it will help you practice
in a whole new way.

Rock on,
Creator of Acoustic Mastery

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“TO ALL THE SKEPTICS AND DOUBTERS” Thu, 22 May 2008 19:29:23 +0000 Yesterday, our blog post created quite a shockwave
across the internet and we got flooded with posts.

Most were positive…
Some were doubtful but positive…
And the 3rd were on the nasty side…

First of all, let me address the “doubters”.

I’ll be the first guy to say that:

Russian nervous system technology…
Deadly fighting systems…
Re-wiring your nervous system?

Sounds like a new high-tech
Jet Li movie or something…

Now here are the facts:

1. There is a guy who’s a lethal
killing machine and he teaches
a hyper-effective self-defense system.

I’ve seen his tapes personally…
And Virtuwul showed me some moves.
This stuff is FOR REAL (and it’s very deadly)!

And yes, in the next few days:
(and even where you can get
the original DVDs that Virtuwul bought).

We will even be GIVING AWAY

How can you win it?

By participating in a contest that
we’re launching TOMORROW!
There’s going to be other prizes…
(such as a free membership).

Please visit the blog again
TOMORROW for details.

2. The nervous system technology is FOR REAL.

Yes, Russian athletes were using it
(that’s how they won 147 gold medals
in the ’76 Olympics and ’80 Olympics).

(SIDE NOTE: Virtuwul addresses
why the Russians aren’t dominating anymore
in his upcoming report that will be released
in the next few days).

Virtuwul’s friend used it to become
a 3-Time National Natural Bodybuilding Champion.

“Nervous system technology” and “nervous
system rewiring”.

This is not “cyborg technology”…
This is not “The Matrix” (although
you might improve fast like Neo did).

We are simply talking about:

We are going to use principles that
are currently used and have been used
by world-class athletes and apply
them to the guitar.

When we talk about nervous systems,
we are simply explaining the underlying
science that makes this method work
like crazy.

Now, let me address those of you posted some
rather negative comments.

The truth is… I understand your frustration.
Things suck sometimes and there’s
a lot of con artists and scams out there.

You’ve probably been playing for a LOOONG time
and you built your chops through some serious
blood, sweat and tears. And you know what:

99.9% of all great guitarists out there became
great by practicing their asses off day after day.
And for those of you who love to practice
for 2 hours or more every day, then this
is very viable way for you to go.

And I’m not saying you can avoid practicing
if you want to improve.

However: there comes a time where new
technology comes out, and old technology
becomes obsolete.

And for the first time ever, cutting-edge
athletic training technology meets guitar practice.

This is revolutionary…
This is ground-breaking…

I think in a few years when this system hits
mainstream, guitarists will laugh at how they
used to practice. They’ll probably call it
“The Dinosaur Days”.

My suggestion is… Just suspend your
disbelief and skepticism (for a couple of
weeks) and give the system a test.

If you don’t make faster progress than
before, I’ll refund you – no questions asked.

Finally: Love and light my guitar brothers (and sisters).

Get ready for the next evolution in guitar practice!
Claude Johnson
Creator of Guitar Control

P.S. Visit the blog tomorrow. We’ll be launching
a fun new contest.

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DOWNLOAD THIS CONTROVERSIAL REPORT NOW Tue, 20 May 2008 19:38:17 +0000 Hey! Claude here again.

I know some of you feel this nervous system thing is a bunch of ”hype”… Well, I have one thing to say…

The nervous system stuff is based on SCIENCE! In fact, Virtuwul wrote a cool report about it. Check it out, and please post your comments!

Go ahead and “right-click” the link below and save on your computer.
Then print it out… pour yourself a cold one and enjoy! I think you’ll
dig it.

Thanks, Claude Johnson

P.S. The nervous system drills are just a SMALL PART of the Guitar Scale System… We’ll be sharing the rest of the system in a few days…

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THE MYSTERY “GLADIATOR” (KILLING MACHINE) IS REVEALED… Sat, 17 May 2008 19:41:10 +0000 First of all: make sure you read this interesting new scientific report called:

“The Nervous System Secrets of the World’s Greatest Guitarists”
You can read it by clicking here now

Although, the Guitar Scale System has ZERO to do with self-defense… a lot of people have asked WHO is this mystery “Gladiator”.

Well, here’s the answer…

His name is Christophe Clugston (formerly known as Chris Clugston).
He created perhaps the most hyper-effective self-defense system ever
called: “Comhrac Bas”.


Aside from being a professional bouncer and trainer, Christophe Clugston, fought professionally for over 8 years (twice as long the average pro)… becoming one of the world’s most accomplished fighters! (He was Number One World Rated in Shoot Boxing for 1991-1992… American Kickboxing Colorado Champ for 2 years… as well as Maximum Total Light Heavy Champ, despite fighting in a higher weight class!).

He has been a student of martial arts all of his life, in fact by the age of 20 he had already earned five black belts in five different martial arts. Chris went to the trouble of learning 7 different languages so that he could travel the world in search of the “Holy Grail” of fighting styles.

He also won over 50 vicious, no-rules streetfights during this time. This is how he realized how stupid it is to master any martial art style that has rules (no kicking in boxing, no strangling in wrestling, no head-punches in karate… and ridiculous time-limits in all of them!). The real world of streetfighting has no rules!

Christopher believes that even the most brutal-looking “official” fighting systems can actually get you killed in the street… and the “confidence” you get from years of dedication to any formal training… Is A Total Sham!

Christopher created an entirely NEW fighting system… one that took the simplest moves of the best styles… and “blended” them with the scientific insights of the last few years to make…

Here’s a few pictures that Virtuwul took when he trained with him…


Christophe Clugston is beating, oh I mean training, Virtuwul…


This is a student actually doing one of the nervous system drills.


This is a devastating move called “The Crush”.


This is Christophe a few minutes before a recent Muay Thai fight.
You can see in his eyes that he’s entered the “obliteration zone”.

Here’s where you can go buy his system if you’re interested:

Virtuwul recommends starting with Combat JKD (that’s the series
that you’ll see the nervous system drills)… and then move on to:
Comhrac Bas. This is even more mindblowing.

Keep on learning!
Claude Johnson

P.S. We’ve got more cool news coming up soon…
So come back to visit the blog.

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“AN EASIER AND MORE FUN WAY TO MASTER GUITAR SCALES” Wed, 14 May 2008 19:54:53 +0000 Ok, So i’ve mentioned a few times that the nervous system drills
are only a small piece of the system… So, whats the “guitar scale
system” really all about? I know you can’t wait to see it, and
don’t worry – I should have some demo videos ready in a few days.

For now, let me give you the “lowdown” – what it is and how
I came up with it.

Probably you would agree that every serious guitarist needs to learn
and know their scales. But in reality, there’s a wide range of
how you well you actually “know” the scale. For example, take
the A minor pentatonic scale. Many of you probably know the
“root position” A pentatonic minor pattern that starts at the 5th fret.

A lot of you even probably know all 5 pentatonic patterns in A. But let ask
your a few questions:

– Do you know the entire A pentatonic scale across the entire fretboard
from top to bottom as well as you know the root position pattern ?

– Do you know all the 3-note-per-string patterns across the entire neck
as well as you know the root position pattern ?

– If you were to place your hand somewhere randomly on the fretboard,
would you instantly be able to fall into the scale with no thought?

– If you were playing in one area of the neck and suddenly slide your
whole hand to a new part of the fretboard, would you instantly be able to
keep playing in the same key?

– Do your fingers (and your mind) know all the interlocking “shapes” that the pattern forms on
2 strings and how they relate to the overall entire fretboard pattern?

– Do you have the scale memorized on just the A string? Could you play it on just the G string?

– What about playing on just the D and B strings together?

As you can see, its easy to “think we know” a scale, but theres a lot of levels in terms of
just how well we know it. Going one step further, we can ask

– Do we know this scale in all 12 keys?

– What about natural minor (and its modes)?

– What about harmonic minor and melodic minor in all the keys?

So almost EVERYONE can improve our mastery of the fretboard by knowing our scales much
better than we do now!

I asked myself, “how can I make it easier and faster to really get these scales under my fingers?” Then I thought back to high school when I used to make flash cards to cram for a test.

Back when i was a student, i’d study by putting questions on a 3×5 notecard and
writing the answer on the back. Many people study this way, and it’s great because
you don’t have to THINK about which parts of the material you know and which parts
you don’t know. You simply put everything on flash cards, and cycle through them
until you have it memorized. When you know all the flash cards “COLD”, you know the material.

I used this concept in building the guitar scale system.

Essentially, the guitar scale system is a web-based tool that drills and grills you in
various “practice modes”.

First, you choose what scale you want to practice, and in what key. Then you can
choose what kind of jam track you want to play over. There’s 20 different backing
tracks, each in 12 keys, for a total of 240 possible jam tracks.

Then, you choose the practice mode.

PRACTICE MODE #1: Entire neck – this practice mode just has you playing all over
the neck as one big pattern.

PRACTICE MODE #2: Specific patterns – here’s where the flash card idea comes in –
every 30 seconds you’ll be playing in a different pattern, and you can choose
between traditional scale patterns and more advanced 3-note-per-string and
even 4-note-per-string patterns.

You wont have to think about what to practice next. Every 30 seconds, you’ll
be shown a different pattern, so you’ll be forced to play in tons of
different patterns in a very short period of time.

PRACTICE MODE #3: Specific areas of the neck – you’ll be challenged to have
your fingers “fall into” the scale anywhere on the neck. You’ll have
to switch areas every 15 seconds.

PRACTICE MODE #4: Switching direction – In this practice mode, you’ll
solo anywhere you want on the neck, and have to move either up
or down the neck, or to a higher or lower string, every 15 seconds.

PRACTICE MODE #5: Specific strings – You’ll have to solo just
on either 1 or 2 strings, switching every 30 seconds. This
will be challenging since the 2 strings might not be adjacent! (next
to each other)

PRACTICE MODE #6: Find the shape – This mode will further deepen
your mastery by having you play just certain scale shapes,
switching every 15 seconds.

By using these 6 practice modes, your guitar scale knowledge will dramatically improve. You will be hard-wired to the entire scale across the whole neck. Honestly, I’ve never seen anything like this system and I plan to use it personally to take my scale mystery to a new level.

And because there are cool jam tracks, you’ll be doing more than just memorizing scales… You’ll actually be using them in a musical context, while at the same time hitting them from every angle. Not only that, the jam tracks will make the entire process fun and enjoyable.

I’ll be sharing some samples of the jam tracks tomorrow and
I should have some demo videos for you in 2 days…

Please comment! Thanks, Claude

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SEE A DEMO OF THE GUITAR SCALE SYSTEM Tue, 13 May 2008 01:25:42 +0000 Hey everybody….

I’m excited cause tomorrow the doors will open to the Guitar Scale System.

I’ve prepared a short (5 minute) demonstration:

Enjoy! Claude Johnson
Get started with the Guitar Scale System NOW!

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