Learn how to play the classic Nazareth tune Love Hurts from Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. You can get the free tabs to go along with this video lesson by clicking the link.

Hey everybody how’s it going? This is Darrin with GuitarControl.com bringing you this video lesson. Today I want to show you how to play Love Hurts by Nazareth. It’s a really cool song and another one of these songs that I always liked and just never got around to learning how to play it until just recently. It’s really surprised me that in all the years that I’ve been teaching I’ve never had anybody request this song or at least if it did I mean it’s possible that it happened a long time ago and I just don’t remember but I cannot recall. Anyway it’s a cool song, it is a little bit challenging if you’re a beginner because it has a lot of barre chords, but I’m going to show you an alternative way that you can kind of do it if you know bar chords or you know you haven’t conquered those yet. So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at How To Play Love Hurts By Nazareth.
Love Hurts Intro
All right so we start off How To Play Love Hurts By Nazareth, we’ve got this intro and it is based off of G major barre chord. So I have my first finger barred all the way across all six strings at the third fret, my second finger is on the fourth fret of the G string, my third finger is on the fifth fret of the A string and my fourth finger is on the fifth fret of the D string. So this is all arpeggiated so we’ve got E, A, D, D, E, B, D, so it’s kind of weird and it’s one of the trickiest parts of it actually in my opinion. So that’s the first measure and it’s like one and two and three and second measure is the same one and two and three and four. Then we’re going to go just a regular F chord… so first finger is barring the first and second fret of the B and E string, second finger is on the second fret of the G string, third finger is on the third fret of the D string and it’s a half note, so it’s like one two and then we switch to regular old C chord for three four and then it repeats F and C and then we’re going to come up here to the fifth fret of the D string and just fret that note as a whole note and then it goes into the song from there. All right so that leads us into the verse for How To Play Love Hurts By Nazareth.
So the verse for How To Play Love Hurts By Nazareth is similar to the intro as far as the picking for it and stuff. So we start off with that same G, same thing, then to an E minor; so now it’s E A D D E B D. And now to a C chord and it is a C barre chord. So typically when I play a barre chord with the root note on the fifth string I do it like this, but we need to make sure we can get that third fret there; so I’m going to be doing it the old school way here. So I’m barring my first finger across the first five strings at the third fret then my second finger is on the fifth fret of the D string, my third finger is on the fifth fret of the G string and my fourth finger is on the fifth fret of the B string and now we’ve got A D G G E B G. And then we’ve got D major so we can just move this shape up a whole step and we’ve got A D B G and then move it down back to where it was back to C; A D G G. All right so those are the four majors that make up the verse and it’s just repeated and played twice and then that leads us into the chorus for How To Play Love Hurts By Nazareth.
Alright, so the chorus for How To Play Love Hurts By Nazareth starts off we’ve got that same G chord and we’re going to go E A B G and then we have to quickly switch to B minor. So for B minor we’re gonna barre our first finger across the first five strings at the second fret, our second finger is going onto the third fret of the B string, third finger is going onto the fourth fret of the D string and fourth finger is going onto the fourth fret of the G string and that’s going to be A D G D and that’s one measure. So we’ve got… to E minor and then back to the B minor again… A it’s kind of tricky and it’s really like that second D minor and you’re only on it for a second for the transition. So the second measure… so the first two measures… then to that C major again; A D G G E B G and then up to the D again. So it’s kind of that same thing we did before, but it’s a little bit different; so we move that C shape up for D and we’re going to go E D B G and move it back down to C; A D G D… All right so that’s like the first four measures. Then for the second half this is starting on measure 17 and we’re back to the G again and then that F to C, just like on the intro, and then the whole thing just repeats. So the chorus is eight measures long and then you just play through the whole sequence twice. That leads us into the bridge section for How To Play Love Hurts By Nazareth.
So for the bridge section of How To Play Love Hurts By Nazareth we start off with E minor and it’s E A D D E B D. And then starting on the second measure you’ll see on there we’re showing it switching back and forth from B minor to E minor to B minor and these changes are like really quick. So if you just put your fingers on for the B minor the only two notes that it’s using for the E minor is the open low E and the second fret of the A string which you’re already picking up with the B minor; so you’re gonna have A D G D E A D or G D… You do that a total of three times there at the end… so the first four measures of the bridge. And then for the last four we have an A; so A D G G B G D B. So that’s the first measure one and two and three and four and then on the next measure one two or one and; so B D G and then the open B string and it actually goes to an A suspended two (Asus2), but you don’t need to switch back because you just roll your first finger up so you can get the B string open… and then you have to do a hammer-on. So the second measure B D G open B and hammer to the second fret B D and then A D G G… And then that same thing we did before so the D A D B G moving down to C; A D G D and those are basically all the parts to Love Hurts by Nazareth. So you know you’ve got the intro, you’ve got the verse, you got the chorus, you’ve got the bridge and then if you just listen to the song you can tell which parts are which because it goes verse to the chorus and I think it does another verse again and then the chorus and then it does the bridge and then another chorus I think, but it’s really easy to figure it out.
Alternative Chord Voicing’s
So an alternative way that you can play Love Hurts By Nazareth that’s not going to be exact, but it’d be enough that you could kind of get through it especially if the barre chord thing is new to you is that you could just use the regular open position chords. So I could just take the regular old G chord and then E minor, C and D… it sounds good and like I said there’s just gonna be a couple little differences in there. Honestly if I got the call today to go play Love Hurts by Nazareth live tonight I would probably play it that way just because it is easier and wouldn’t require nearly as much rehearsal to do with the barre chords.
Alright so there you have it, all the parts for Love Hurts by Nazareth. If you like this video be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave me a comment down below if you have any questions about this or any other guitar related topics. If you haven’t already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Anyway that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching How To Play Love Hurts By Nazareth and have a great day.
If you want to learn how to play more great songs like Love Hurts By Nazareth then check out our Ultimate Guitar Song Collection.