Check out this lesson on How to Play Sitting, Waiting, Wishing By Jack Johnson – Easy Acoustic Guitar Lesson from Guitar Control instructor Jon MacLennan.

Hey how’s it going? My name is John MaClennan, thanks so much for hanging out with me in my studio today; I hope you’re doing fantastic. I want to break down this awesome song by Mr. Jack Johnson called Sitting, Waiting, Wishing and it’s got some great bar chord shapes. So let’s zoom in and break it down.
How to Play Sitting, Waiting, Wishing By Jack Johnson
The intro begins on an A minor bar chord at the 5th fret; 5, 7, 7, 5, 5, 5. That’s the overall shape and you do two down strokes on that and then you kind of just drop your hand on the strings to get a muted sound and then what you do is you take your pinkie off and make the chord from an A minor to an A minor 7. Then you move down to a G major bar chord; which is 3, 5, 5, 4, 3 and you do the same thing. When I have the G here I take my pinkie off and then it becomes G7. So each chord we kind of play with the pinkie on and then we take it off. Then you take the F chord, which is the same as G just move down a step; 1, 3, 3, 2, 1 and then take the pinkie off F7. Then slide this chord all the way up to the 8th fret and you get a C barre chord. So you can see that it’s just the same approach kind of on each chord and it sounds like this…
Okay well I hope that gets you started. I actually had a chance to surf with Jack Johnson about 10 years ago or so before he was actually a big deal at that point, but he started out surfing and got his music in surf movies and anyway I surfed with him in Malibu California one time. I paddled out and he was out and we ended up even ride in the same wave. So anyway be sure to click the link below to subscribe and I’ll see you in the next video. Thanks for watching How to Play Sitting, Waiting, Wishing By Jack Johnson.
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