Comments on: How to Play Don´t Speak by No Doubt Guitar Solo Sat, 04 Dec 2021 02:34:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Danny Laverty Thu, 26 Dec 2013 17:50:31 +0000 Alejandra…I am no musician, just an old coal miner. When I was a young fellow I started trying to learn the guitar. Though never very good, I could at least take my guitar with me to church and sing and play the old gospel hymns. Then one night while at work, a slab of rock fell from the mine roof striking my left hand.It cut tendons and sliced across all four fingers on top of my hand. After a couple of months of therapy I regained the pretty much normal use of my hand but from then on my hand and luckily still attached fingers became stiff and sore. I tried playing my guitar but it was painful and hurt radiating up into my elbow. I put my guitar away. Twenty years or so went by and now my fingers started getting worse.They hurt all of the time. Not too long ago I decided that maybe the guitar would be helpful in getting things loosened back up. I made a commitment by going out and purchasing a new much nicer guitar than I already had ( I figured the investment would help keep me motivated, along with being easier to play). It seemed to help although it hurt like crazy for a while , but I started noticing improvement in the motion of my fingers. I began relearning chords I’d forgotten and adding some new ones. I don’t read music and didn’t know what a tab was. but I started wondering about playing notes, and if that would be even better therapy for my hand. I watched people play on you tube and had about decided that all that finger movement was just too much for me…Then I saw this Don’t speak video. I was inspired anew. You have beautiful fingers that move with the grace of a swan, completely opposite of my short, beat up fingers. It’s a pleasure to watch you play. I decided to give it a try ,so I’ve watched you a hundred times. I had to go online and learn how to read tabs then go back to you. I practice every day but it seems that at each start, I’m almost starting over. After a bit, I get loosened up some and start doing better. I start thinking that I’m starting to sound like you. I then go back to this video and it’s like, WOW… I’m not even close ! So,.. I go back to my guitar and start practicing some more. I’ve decided it might be helpful to add some more music to this routine so now I’m also working on the intro to Marty Robbin’s Elpaso. I bet that you can play that real good. I like the way you slow down so that I can see what fingers you use for each note. I think your beautiful, talented and gracious to share your ability and helpfulness with me and I thank you .

By: Mike Kuhns Tue, 03 Dec 2013 05:11:20 +0000 Simply Great do you have guitar course or do teach? You play very very beautiful and so are you.

By: Pamela Fri, 29 Nov 2013 22:27:20 +0000 In reply to susie wheeler.

I believe the chords on No Doubt songs tend to be finger twisters. . . not for sing and play at the same time exercises. You can of course find just about anything online.

By: nelson summers Thu, 28 Nov 2013 20:31:07 +0000 Alejandra I wished I could play guitar like you do You are the best! 🙂

By: Steve Allen Thu, 28 Nov 2013 20:17:58 +0000 The solo is beautiful and she who plays it is mesmerizing What an indescribably sweet combination! Thank you for the wonder you add to the world with your talent and beauty, Alejandra. I hope you have an album or two, Alejandra, because I have decided that whenever I leave this world, I want to be listening to you and, if possible, watching you play. I’ll go out in peaceful bliss! Also, thanks to Claude for arranging this lesson for us all. Absolutely awesome!

By: Frank Pagnani Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:55:08 +0000 What a beautiful solo! I enjoy playing flamenco and this is a modern version of that style and also kind of jazzy, too!

Thank you very much for such quality lessons and the Tabs to go with them!

By: susie wheeler Thu, 28 Nov 2013 15:59:35 +0000 could this be done on ukulele and can I have the tabs?
