Not that the English blokes didn’t have an effect, but it was Jimi who came in and just blew everyone away. The young pups today don’t have a clue as to what it was like in the day, what with all of the electronic toys available to them today. A wow-wow pedal, a fuzz box, maybe a Fender reverb box and if you could afford it an Echoplex.
That was all that was available to us guitarists back then as far as effects were concerned. Until Marshall came along it was Fender Dual Showmans and Sunn amps unless you were bucks down then it was St. George or Teisco Checkmate amps.
A trip down memory lane might be a good thing to put things into perspective for the younger set, but since they don’t appreciate wisdom nor what they have, it may fall upon deaf ears. But us older guys will certainly appreciate such a trip.
]]>Funny that’s exactly what happened so many times I had to hang up the electrics and go acoustic for many years.Twoard the end The cops would be here within 15 minutes of firing up the Amps,got threatened and the whole 9 yards finally had to hang it up ’till now.