Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Skulls vs riddles – you decide

hi Friend, Which do you prefer, skulls or riddles? What an odd question, right? Well you get both today! First I just want to make a quickie announcement that we’re extending the sale on the Jimmy Dillon “box set” to the end of the month. This is the first time I can remember that I’ve …

Xmas Preparations

hi Friend, Man oh man… Get ready for a boatload of cool guitar lessons during the 12 days of Christmas. I’ll be posting one daily on my blog for 12 freakin days in a row, starting Monday… And i’ll be offering the famous “Xmas Guitar Course” If you’re a new reader, (or just forgot), let …

End of E.E. II

hi Friend, Just a heads up that the product launch for Eclectic Electric II is just about over… Remember, we’ve got a HUGE, MEGA savings deal on the biggie package — so please check it out before the time ticks down… Read about Eclectic Electric here: ECLECTIC ELECTRIC GUITAR and you can ORDER HERE …Other …

The power of “cool cool cool”

Hi Friend, I don’t know when I picked up this habit, but often times, I’ll end a conversation by saying “cool cool cool”. Not sure where I got it from either. But last weekend I was talking to some “new age energy healer” type people, and they pointed out that it’s actually good to say …

Guitar Fingerpicking Pattern Made Easy For Beginners

It’s always good to be able to switchup your rhythm playing by changingfrom strumming to fingerpicking. One problem is that it can be a painin the butt to memorize these fingerpickingpatterns. But I have one that’s so simple, it’shard to forget it. It’s only a four note pattern andit works great! Check it out. Okay, …

Brain-dead simple fingerpicking pattern

Hi Friend, Some days my brain moves faster than others. Since Sunday is the slowest day of the brain for most people, I thought I’d send something simple today. It’s always good to be able to switch up your rhythm playing by changing from strumming to fingerpicking. One problem is that it can be a …

Jimi Hendrix Thumb Chords

Hey, how’s it going this is Jon McLennan with Guitar Control, I want toshow you some “Jimi Hendrix” tips. Jimi Hendrix is one of my favorite guitar players and he was so good. What I’m going to show you is the idea if you’re playing a bar chord, your basic bar chord shape like a …