Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Wedding pics!

Hi Friend, Yes, as promised I’d like to share a few pictures from our “special day”. I think they came out great! Let me know what you think. It’s up on my blog… And while you’re there, feel free to check out all the great stuff. GUITAR CONTROL BLOG – Claude “Family guy” Johnson P.S. …

How to Do Hybrid Picking with Arpeggios on Guitar

Hi Friend, Yes! Finally back in action herein Rhode Island as far as shootingnew video lessons and tips for you. Today I want to show you a real simplebut cool sounding way to rock outon the guitar. It involves a technique called “Hybrid Picking”,which sounds exotic or complicated, butit’s actually super simple. Check it out! …

Am I cheating on my wife?

Hi Friend, As you guys know, I just got married a couple of weeks ago. However, I’m a bit worried… Because for the last 3 years I’ve been in love with another curvy, hot thing… Is it cheating? To make a long story short… In 2010, my buddy Virtuwul and I went to the NAMM …

Smashed by a tree

Hi Friend, So my poor parents have been without power for almost a week… A huge tree fell down near their house and took out all the power lines. Thankfully, they’ve been staying with friends and they’re troopers… Lots going on with me — I’ve got several trips planned in the near future… Thanksgiving, I’ll …

Latest, greatest from Jimmy Dillon

Hi Friend, Our most popular guitar instructor for the past couple years (excluding me of course HAHA)… … has been Jimmy Dillon. Actually I just got off the phone with Jimmy — he’s excited about beating out Sammy Hagar for this year’s Milley award. I guess they are doing a big gig this weekend to …

In From the Storm – Hendrix Riff

Hi Friend, Serious storm a-brewin here on the east coast of the USA. I just called the place where I ordered my new LED lights from, and they are closed cause of the storm. So, no lights yet to send to film and create you a video today… I thought – ok, what can send …

here’s another lick you can try today

Hi Friend, I am wrtiing this email late Saturday night… So i’m hoping you get it Sunday morning or afternoon… Having a really great time here in my new home in Providence, Rhode Island. Of course, the most important thing to me was setting up my new office and finding a place for my guitars …

Packin up and moving to…

Hi Friend, Yep, life moves pretty fast. Not only did I recently get hitched, but I also moved! Out with the philly, in with the Providence, Rhode Island. I’m actually stoked because I was in the same condo for 14 freakin years. A welcome change of scenary. BUT… Business as usual for Guitar Control. Actually …