Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Change your noodling (video)

Hi Friend, I know I’ve sending out all kinds of stuff from different guitar teachers but I haven’t sent anything from ME lately… And again, my excuse is that I’ve so busy with wedding planning and moving, etc… But, I’m not an excuse-maker! So I filmed a nice little lesson for you. It’s a nice …

Killer Keyboards Made Simple

Hi Friend, I’ve been told by a few different high-level guitarists that one way to really improve your guitar playing and musicianship overall… is to learn piano and keyboards… If you’ve ever had any interest in playing the keys… we’ve got an amazing instructor… Who actually produced his first record with Jimi Hendrix. I kid …

How to Play Blues Turnarounds on Piano

Easy Blues Guitar Lick Teachings Easy String Bending Exercise Over a Blues Chord Progression in A (Guitar Lesson on Blues Soloing) Don’t Fear The Barre Chord – Easy Blues Guitar Lesson on How to Play Dominant 7th Barre Chords Classic Licks Played From “Hey Joe” In The Style Of Jimi Hendrix | Watch it now …

How to Learn and Master Guitar Chords and Harmony

Hi Friend, Boom! Another sweet learning opportunity for you… Want to discover the scalular origins ofguitar chords and know which scales go withwhich chords? That’s just 1 benefit… See all the cool things that are being revealedin Gabel’s “Chords and Harmony” thang… Check it out: CHORDS AND HARMONY Have a great week! Claude Johnson LATEST …

Mastering Chords and Harmony Now Released!

Get Your Copy Here If you are looking for a fast, effective way to boost your chordal chops and understanding of music and harmony, then look no further than Derryl Gabel’s “Mastering Chord and Harmony” DVD set. Here’s some of the highlights: Master chords of every kind and learn them all over the neck. Gain …

Theoretical Pizza (video)

Hi Friend, I was just checking out some of the comments on the blog and one guy was saying that sometimes he wishes we would go DEEPER into concepts and not just gloss over them… Well, if you want DEEP, then Derryl Gabel’s new “Mastering Chords and Harmony” is deeper than a double-decker Chicago Pizza. …

The 1-hour Rice Krispy Bowl

Hi Friend, Let me tell you a story. I used to know this guy we called the “Acadian Kramer”. Yeah, like Kramer from Seinfeld… But instead of moving all fast and jerky, this guy moved like a sloth. Believe it or not, it took him a full hour to prepare and eat a bowl of …

Here come the Lydian Triads

Hi Friend, I’m always looking for new, interesting sounds on the guitar. And it never fails… Just when I think I’ve seen and heard it all, some newfangled tonality invariably pops out of the proverbial woodwork. Man, I have to start using big words more often. They are fun. 🙂 Anyway, one concept that never …