Guitar Control presents instructor Darrin Goodman with 3 easy beginner guitar riffs from The Doors. Be sure to get the free tabs that go with the step by step video instruction. So lets check out 3 Easy Beginner Guitar Riffs From The Doors.

Hey everybody how’s it going? This is Darrin with bringing you this video lesson. Today I want to show you how to play 3 Easy Beginner Guitar Riffs From The Doors. So if you’re a beginner these are great cool sounding riffs to learn that everybody recognizes. So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at 3 Easy Beginner Guitar Riffs From The Doors.
Doors Riff-1 – People Are Strange
All right so the first Easy Beginner Guitar Riff From The Doors we’re going to look at is People Are Strange. So we start off with a rest on one; so it’s one two three four. So I’m starting on the second fret of the A string with my second finger and then to the open A string and then to the third fret of the low E string with just a slight bend; one two three four and then that moves us into the second measure which is like the main part of the riff. All right so we’re going to start off you do just like an E minor shape here and I’m on the second fret of the A string with my second finger and the second fret of the D string with my third finger and we start off with the low E string open and then the open G string; so this is one and two and three and then on the end of three we come back to the D string and back to the A string and then to the first fret of the A string with my first finger. So that’s that second measure… Then going on to the third measure I’m just going to take this shape we’re doing here we’re going to move it up so now I’m on the second fret of the D string with my second finger and the second fret of the G string with my third finger. Now we’re going to do a to go a D, G and then the G string open and then we’re going to move our two fingers back down to the A and D string and we’re going to go D, A and then to the first fret; so those two measures… Now onto the next measure we move back up to the second fret of the D and the G string and go; A, D, G, D and then the G string open and then the A string open, one, two and it’s a hammer-on and it’s a triplet. So that fourth measure… Then we’re going to move those fingers all the way down so we’re on the second fret of the low E string and the second fret of the A string and then your first finger onto the first fret of the D string; so it’s like an E major chord, we’re just moving it down a set of strings… So we’re gonna go; E, A, D and then the open low E string and then to the second fret of the A string to the A string open and then the little bend again on the third fret of the low E string and that’s a repeat right there. So now it’s going to take us back to the second measure and then if you’ll see on your transcription that the first ending we play through it we play measure five and then when we repeat it and we skip measure five and go to measure 6…
Doors Riff-2 – Roadhouse Blues
All right so the next Easy Beginner Guitar Riff From The Doors we’re going to look at is Roadhouse Blues. This one’s really easy and it’s very repetitive, it just has some little parts that change throughout it. So the first thing is we’re just going to be pedaling the open low E string… So you don’t want… you want that kind of swing to it… so one and two and three and, and then on the downbeat of four we’re going to start at the fifth fret of the low E string and we’re going to do six hammer to seven and it’s a triplet; so one and two and three and four yellow, one and two… so each measure has those eighth notes and it’s like the first three beats on each measure. Now we’re going to go to the A string and we’re going to pick the fifth fret and slide to the seventh and then back to the pedal again… and then we’re gonna do that five six seven hammer again and then we’re gonna do the same thing, but on the A string. Now on this one here we’ve got one and two and three and four and; so you’re gonna do a bend on the second fret and we’re going to bend that second fret up a whole step on the downbeat of four and then release it on the and of four… and then back to that slide on the A string again… to the slide on the E string and back to the A string for three measures… back to the E string and then back to the A string. So with this particular one you can kind of mix that up however you want because it’s all going to land in the time; so you know you can… just like that.
Doors Riff-3 – Love Me Two Times
All right then the last Easy Beginner Guitar Riff From The Doors we’re going to look at is Love Me Two Times. So this here we’re gonna put your fingers on as if you were doing an E minor chord; so I’ve got my second finger on the second fret of the A string and then it toggles between the E string being open and the second fret, so I’m just using my third finger to go on and off for that. So this first measure the first eighth note is a rest, so it’s; one and two and three and four and… so second fret of the A string to the D string open, back to the second fret of the A string to the second fret of the D string to the A string open to the D string open to the second fret of the D string. Then on the second measure the E string; one and two as eighth notes and then for beat three we’re going to do this trill. So I’m going to play the G string open and then do a hammer-on to the first fret and then back off. So if you’re new to hammer-ons this is probably one of the worst ones to try to do first, well I guess it’s not too bad, we’re just dealing with one finger, but you’re going to play the G string open and then hammer to the first fret and pull-off and hammer-on… and you do that twice. All right then for the third measure of this it’s the same as the first measure except the first note instead of being a rest we’re gonna actually play the open low E string. So we’ve got one and to the second fret of the A string and the down beat of two is the D string open and the and of two is the second fret of the A string and then the down beat to the second fret of the D string the and of three is the A string open and the downbeat of four is the D string open and the and of four is the second fret of the D string…
All right so there you have it. Three easy guitar riffs from The Doors that aren’t too terribly hard to play and are great riffs for beginners for working with these single notes. You’re working getting your right hand and your left hand in sync and fun ones to play and highly recognizable. So if you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all i have for you today. Thanks for watching 3 Easy Beginner Guitar Riffs From The Doors and have a great day.