What’s happening guys this is John McLennan with Guitar Control, bringing you this video lesson on how to play Blues Guitar Riff from “Back at the Chicken Shack” by Jimmy Smith. It’s a great blues tune, super funky and that one of my teachers Kenny Burrell played the track.
Check the image above to follow the chords and tabs.
It’s in the key of f originally the record key, but I like doing it in g, here you can play the organ line like this. We’ve got a typical blues motive where, we’re playing two notes of a g chord, then lay our third finger flat, and getting these two notes, six, and seven. I do tremolo, then back down to the fifth fret, and hammer into what’s a g major chord, then apply the same thing to the c chord, this is a great kind of piano style wick.
That’s an octave of seven, and ten, then keep the pinky on top, slide into the seventh fret on the second string, then do the same thing down, a whole step based off the c chord, this is the typical blues melody we hear all the time, and then you end, almost like a muddy waters, just down home blues.
Fifth fret, and then fifth fret boring back to the root note, hammering into g, back home to the root. Let’s try the whole thing together. Don’t forget to subscribe on our YouTube Channel and we’ll see you on our next video lessons.