Hey, how’s it going guys this is Jon McLennan with Guitar Control, excited to bring you this video lesson and we’re looking a little bit of “Robert Johnson style Acoustic Blues playing”. Here’s a nice Intro you can use to get into a blues in the key of a.
Check the image above to follow the chords and tabs.
We’re going to start out on an a7 chord on the 7th fret, 9th fret, 8th fret, 9th fret a7, what we do is we strum those top four strings, and then give the high string just a few more. You pluck that one, and then move to an a diminished chord which is an interesting chord, to go after. This would be seven, eight, seven, eight, notice I just took these three fingers and slid them back one fret get the diminish.
Now here’s a d minor six chord, d minor six, over a, and the frets here are seven, seven, six, seven, and then it resolves a note in the bass and a note on top on the first string fifth fret. How cool is that! What I mean is, I could play that all day, and then going to walk down a typical turnaround here. This is going to start typical Robert Johnson too, by the way fifth fret, fifth fret, and the note on top stays constant as the note on the fourth string.
Descends Chromatically meaning half steps, you’ll hear a real cool sound all the time just like you know or whatever. Here’s the second half, a big five chord, an e7 open blues chord, you take your e, good old e and add your pinky to the second string third fret, sets you up to start the blues. Let’s try it from the top one, two, three, and four. Make sure to subscribe on our YouTube Channel and we’ll see you in our next video lessons, thanks for watching.