Learn to play the forbidden guitar store riffs in volume three of the three part series from Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. Be sure to get the free tabs for this lesson and you can get kicked out of Guitar Center today!

How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with GuitarControl.com bringing this video lesson and today we’re doing the last installment on the series I’ve done on riffs to get you kicked out of Guitar Center. So as usual there are tabs for these riffs so be sure to click on the link in the description to get those tabs and you can follow along. So let’s get close up and take a look.
Forbidden Riff-7 – Seven Nation Army
All right so the first one we have is the riff from Seven Nation Army. Now this is played on bass or he’s playing on a guitar with like an octave pedal or something like that, but you can still play it and it’s recognizable and obnoxious. So we start off we’re on the seventh fret and this is all on the A string; so we play seven and then seven again and we slide to ten and this first one is a dotted quarter note so it’s like one two, and then on the and of two we hit the seven and slide to ten… And then after we slide to ten then we come back to seven to five to three and then two… just like that.
Forbidden Riff-8 – Back In Black
All right so the next we’re going to look at is the main riff from Back In Black. So we start off with an E5; so I’m just using my first finger to barre the second fret of the D string and then the low E string is open and this is a quarter note and is beat one and then on the downbeat of two we actually have a eighth note rest and then we switch to D and we have three strums of that, two sixteenth notes and a quarter, and then there’s another rest. Then we switch to an A chord and do the same thing and that’s like the first part of it… Okay so after we hit that last D, that’s on the quarter note to the second measure and then we have a quarter note rest, a 16th note rest and then we’ve got this little riff; so third fret of the high E string to the high E string open and then we go to the B string and do the same thing and then we go to the G string and we’re on the second fret and we’re going to pick that and do a full bend and release and then pull off to the open string… and then it just starts over again. Then we have a different fill this time; so second fret of the A string and then to the fourth fret of the low E, back to the A string, back to the E string fifth fret, back to the A string, back to the low E sixth fret and then back to the A twice…
Forbidden Riff-9 – Wonderwall
All right next we have one that is really high up on the list, super obnoxious to play in the music store, it’s Wonderwall. Now to be in the same key you’d need a capo this at the second fret; I don’t have my capo handy, I forgot to grab it, but it doesn’t matter, you can still play it without the capo, chances are when you go into Guitar Center you’re not going to have a capo that you can use to do it. So this is actually pretty easy and first thing we’re doing is going to play E minor seven (Em7), but you want to use your first and second finger; so first finger on the second fret of the A string and second finger on the second fret of the D string and then you’re gonna take your third finger and put it on the third fret of the B string and your fourth finger on the third fret of the high E string and those two fingers are going to stay there the whole time. So the strum for it’s like… Now on the last part it just hits the open D and G string and that’s kind of the transition chord for each time there’s a chord change because it goes from this Em7 to a G. So we just keep our first finger where it is and move our second finger from the second fret of the D string to the third fret of the low E, but the third and fourth fingers again stay where they are… Then we’re going to switch to a D suspended four (Dsus4); so we just move our first and second finger down like we’re playing a D again with our third and fourth finger staying the same place… open D and G string and now to A7 suspended four (A7sus4). So we’re just going to put our first finger onto the second front of the D string, second finger onto the second fret of the G string and then it just starts over again. So from there that transition from there is easy just move your first and second finger down a set of strings…
Forbidden Riff-10 – Stairway To Heaven
All right so now we’ve made it to the end, this is number 10, this is the most number one not supposed to play riff in Guitar Center or whatever music store you go to and of course I am talking about Stairway To Heaven. So for this I’m going to be playing it fingerstyle, but you know if you don’t know how to do finger picking, you can play it with a guitar pick sort of; you might have to omit some of the things, but that’s kind of the fun about this one, if you can’t play it really well or if you can play well and you pretend like you can’t play it well and it’s really cringy to the to the store employees.
So we start off here we just got this a minor triad shape here; so my first finger is barring the fifth fret of the high E, B and G strings and then my third finger is on the seventh fret of the D string and we’re just going to play that. So I’m just starting my thumb is playing the D string, my first finger is playing the G string, my second finger playing the B and my third is playing the high E string. Now we’re going to go to our next chord, so keep your first finger where it is and gonna take your third finger off and put your middle finger on the sixth fret of the D string and your pinky onto the seventh fret of the high E string and now we’re gonna play D and the high E strings together, followed by the B, G and then the high E again, so that’s like the first measure… Okay now for our next chord we’re going to move our pinky up one fret, so now it’s on the eighth fret and take our middle finger off and now we’re going to move our finger so we’re barring starting on the D string at the fifth fret; so D, G, B and high E, same picking pattern… Okay now we’ve got a D over F sharp (D/F#). So we’re going to come down here, it’s D, but we’re going to do the F sharp here; so how I like to play it is I just barre my first finger at the second fret of the G, B and high E strings and then put my middle finger on the third fret of the B string and then my third finger on the fourth fret of the D string… And then we’ve got F major seven (FM7)… so third fret of the D string with my third finger, second fret of the G string with my second finger, first fret of the B string with my first finger and then the high E string is open. So here we’ve got D and E together, B, G, B, E, B and G… Then we have a G, so we’re basically just getting the third fret of the low E and then the D, G and B strings open to A minor… Then we’ve got this open A string and then we do a slide from nowhere to the eighth fret to the seventh fret and then it just starts over. So when I do that is I hit the string open and then I just start at the third fret and pick and slide together to seven and then just starts over again…
Make It Even Funnier
All right so like I’ve kind of said in the past is that if you really want to troll and be kind of funny then you do stuff like make the guitar a little bit out of tune or like stretch some of these chords and just kind of play it a little bit wrong. One of my private students did that. He played Sweet Child O Mine and he just changed some of the notes so it was… something like that, it was really funny.
All right so there you have it, the last installment of the forbidden riffs to play at Guitar Center. So if you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics and let me know what is your favorite forbidden riff to play at the local music store? If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.