The following Five Guitar Songs are great for kids who are just starting to learn playing the guitar. They are quite simple to play, and most children are already familiar with the melodies, which they can sing along to. Since they’re short, it won’t be too hard for a child to memorize how to play them either.
“Happy Birthday to You”
The Happy Birthday song is a great song for children of all ages, because it’s something we continue to hear throughout our lives. The whole song can also be played on a single string, the high E so it makes it even easier to learn.
“Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Is another song that can be played on a single string, making it a good song for children to learn. You can play it on the third string, the G.
“Old MacDonald”
Is a good song to learn, especially if you’d like to sing along, because it will teach by repetition without getting boring since the lyrics are always different. It uses a lot of open string, so it’s easy on your fingers.
“Frere Jacques”
Another song that can be played on mostly one string, some part of it can sometimes seem a little fast, it might be a harder song for a young beginner to learn. Always start slow and stick to a tempo a child would be comfortable with.
“Baa Baa Black Sheep”
Like “Old MacDonald”, uses a lot of open strings and can be played in the first position, so there’s no need to jump around all over the fret board, which can be hard for young children to manage.
For most of these songs, you can play them with chords for more of a sing along kind of feel. Chords, however are much harder for young children to play, but it might be fun if an adult or older child were to play the chords, and the younger ones were to play the melodies separately on their guitar.
If your goal is to learn tons of songs, I recommend you to get this course:
Easy Rock Guitar Lessons
Easiest Guitar Lesson to Learn
Learn More Guitar Songs Here:
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