Hey, how’s it going this is Claude Johnson with Guitar Control, I wanted you to show you a couple simple ideas using a single note kind of a lick.
So on the 9th fret, 12th fret, and 14th fret, of the G-string with my first finger on the 9th fret ring finger of the 12th fret pinky on the 14; I’m just kind of descending repeating with it. What I’m doing is I’m doubling or tripling up on that 1st note so instead of alternate picking I’ll just keep keeping a pick going here, so that’s kind of a cool technique in itself as far as if you kind of want to create a shred sound just work on getting just pick fast alternate picking.
So again I’m just mixing up and I’m not even playing with the riff I’m just kind of mixing it up between that and obviously don’t want to stay all day but mixing it up with other lex, also watch your hand don’t hurt yourself if you know those if you’re feeling the pain of those wide stretches, give yourself a break going on don’t strain yourself it’s also easier you try it up on a higher string or a higher fret rather.
I hope you enjoyed that and if you want to check out my supercharged soloing course just go to guitarcontrol.com/ supercharged. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and we’ll see you in our next video lessons, thanks for watching.
You can find loads more POWERFUL but simple ideas in my course: