Check out Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman demonstrate how to play three easy Aerosmith guitar riffs. Be sure to click the link for the free tabs for this lesson so you can easily follow along.

Hey everybody how’s it going? This is Darrin with bringing you this video lesson. Today I want to show you three easy beginner Aerosmith riffs and all three of these are kind of like the main riff or the intro riff for these iconic Aerosmith songs. So if you’re a beginner these are some cool riffs that you can learn and have some fun stuff to play. So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look.
Dream On
So the first one we’re going to look at is Dream On. So starting off this is made up of these little triad shapes here. So I’m on the fifth fret of the G string with my second finger and the fourth fret of the high E with my first finger and the sixth fret of the B string with my third finger and then I’m playing this with my fingers. So what I’m doing here is my thumb is going to play the G string and my first finger is going to play the B string and my second finger is going to play the high E. So we’re going to pluck the E and B strings and then follow that with the G string. So it’s like one, two and three and four and that’s pretty much the way it’s going to be played throughout the whole thing. So we’ve got the first chord here and we do that one and two and, and then for three and four and we’re gonna switch to a different chord. So now we’re gonna put our third finger onto the fifth fret of the G string, our second finger onto the fourth fret of the B string and our first finger onto the third fret of the high E string with the same picking pattern; so that’s three and four and so one and two and three and four and now for this next chord shape we’re just simply going to reverse our first and second finger so our first finger will go to the third fret of the B string and our second finger will go to the fourth fret of the E string. That’s a very dissonant sounding chord… and then for the next chord we’re going to keep this note here on the G string and we’re going to move the two notes on the B and the high E strings down a half step. So you can either try coming down like this or you can re switch to your fourth finger onto the G string fifth fret and then your first finger will be on the second fret of the B string and your second finger will be on the third fret of the high E. Then we go back to the first chord again; one and two and, and then for three and we’re going to put our pinky down onto the sixth fret of the high E and then we’re gonna move our pinky up to the eighth fret of the high E. So the whole thing…
Same Old Song And Dance
So next we’re going to look at the opening riff for Same Old Song and Dance. So there’s not a whole lot to this one, it’s pretty easy, but it’s easy to mess up on it too. So when you compare what I play with the tabs you’ll see the places where I make little mistakes sometimes, you’ll see when we get into it. So we start off we’re just going to put our second finger onto the second fret of the A string for an E5 power chord and we’re going to play the low E first and then the chord and then our second finger to the third fret of the low E and give just a quarter step bend; so this is… And then we’re back here and our first finger we’re going to keep it there on the second fret of the A string and I’m going to follow that with the D string open and then the D and A together. So this is the part where I’m saying that I mess up a lot. Sometimes I’ll go to hit just that D string and I’ll end up hitting both or when I go to hit both I’ll just hit one; it’s just a minor little difference, but it all still sounds good. So after you then you go back to the second fret of the A string and that’s the first measure… So it’s like one and two and three and four and. Then the next measure the A and D strings are open and then the second fret of the A string with that little bend again on the third fret of the low E string and then that E5 power chord, so… Then we’re gonna come all the way up here to the seventh fret on the A string with your first finger and the ninth fret of the D and G strings by just kind of laying your finger down and that’s an E and that’s the first two measures. Then the next measure we start off the E5 again and the little bend and then the second fret of the A string and then the D and E strings together. Then the D string, second fret of the A string, then open A, third fret of the G string open and then we come to that chord and slide out and the whole thing just starts over again…
Walk This Way
All right and then the last one we’re going to look at is the riff for Walk This Way. This is one of the most recognizable guitar riffs and is pretty easy. So we start off with the A string open and then to the first fret with our first finger and then to the second fret with our second finger and then we’re going to roll that up to the second fret of the D string and those are 16th notes… Then we have a rest and then we do that again… and then follow it with the open low E, so that’s the first measure… Then the second measure it starts off the same way and we’re going to go to the third fret of the low E pull that off and end on the second fret of the D string, so that second measure… the whole riff slowly…
All right so there you have it, three easy beginner Aerosmith riffs. If you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or any other guitar related stuff. If you have not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss out any of the content that we upload throughout the week. That is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.