Hey, how’s it going guys. My name is John McClennan
and I’m here with guitarcontrol.com, bringing you
this lesson on jazz chord voicings. Here’s the
nice way to use, again, common tone, which is when
you play a series of chords and you keep one note
consistent between all those chords. It can be real
nice for endings. This is one of the ways that I’ll
end “‘Round Midnight”, a jazz standard, which is
going to end on this tonic note, E flat.
I play an A minor 7 flat 5 and then an A flat minor 7,
G minor 7 sharp 5, G flat 13, B7 and then this is like
an E major 7 over B and then finally ending here on a
real mysterioso minor sounding chord. I dig that chord.
That’s 6, 5, 7, 6. Again, this is one of those chords
you might use on a tune like “‘Round Midnight” because
it’s in a minor tonality rather than just ending on,
say, a bland minor 7. You might choose a minor 6,
which sounds a little bit more tonic minor, to me.
This one is pretty hip, too.
Once again, one more time. And be sure to click the
link below for the tab for all these shapes. But
A minor 7 flat 5, A flat minor 7, G minor 7 sharp 5,
G flat 13 or F sharp 13, B7, E major 7 over B and
then E flat minor/major 7 with B flat for the bass
there. One more time.
All right, thanks for watching and be sure to get
the tab below. We’ll see you later.