Brain to Hand Connection | Guitar Control Mon, 26 Jul 2021 11:33:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brain to Hand Connection | Guitar Control 32 32 The Secret of the "Ear-to-Fretboard Connection" Sat, 17 Jan 2009 08:54:57 +0000
The “Ear-to-Fretboard Connection” is one of the “missing links” that most guitarists don’t even know exist. This is almost never talked about, yet it’s ONE OF THE BIGGEST KEYS to Guitar Control is: your ability to HEAR something and SEE IT on the fretboard. Imagine, if you heard a hot lick in your head and you would KNOW WITH CERTAINTY where it is on the neck.  You could actually see the notes on the fretboard as you hear the music in your mind.  How easy would it be to become a Guitar God? For the FIRST TIME EVER… I’ve created a new system that actually forces your brain to build a powerful “ear-to-fretboard connection”. This takes “ear training” for GUITAR PLAYERS to a whole new dimension.  This is truly the first “pitch training system” that is designed exclusively for guitar players. You’ll be able to actually PLAY WHAT YOU HEAR IN YOUR MIND.  This is HUGE.  That’s the power you’re going to posseess with an Absolute Pitch. On Monday — I’ll “bring it all together” in a powerful way when I reveal how you can “Shorten your Guitar Player Feedback Loop”.  This is really where the “big payoff” is. You’re gonna love it! CJ
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The Ear-to-Brain Connection Fri, 16 Jan 2009 15:37:44 +0000

I revealed that there are 3 secrets to creating a world-class “Brain-to-Hand Connection”:

1. The Ear-to-Brain Connection
2. The Ear-to-Fret board Connection
3. Shorten The Guitar Player Feedback Loop

The first step is developing a strong “Ear-to-Brain” connection. 

This is when you HEAR something and then your brain can identify the sound.

For an example, after I played you a G chord – would your brain recognize it? If I played a D chord, would you know it automatically?  If you can’t already do this effortlessly, then you need some ear training so that you develop an “Absolute Pitch”.

This is quite possibly the most under-rated skill in guitar playing, yet it’s one of the big keys that can blow your guitar playing to the next level.  And of course, wait until I reveal the funnest, quickest, most effective way to build your ear-to-brain connection…

On the weekend, I’ll share my insights on secret #2:
The NEVER DISCUSSED “Ear-to-fret board” connection.

Rock on,

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