I am thrilled to report that tonight and tomorrow night I will be performing with Clarence “The Big Man” Clemons from Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band. I was Clarence’s guitarist and musical director for many years and really enjoy playing with The Temple of Soul West, his band here on the west coast. We have 2 sold out shows at The Woods music club and everyone is excited here in my home town of Mill Valley, Ca.!
As many of you know “Mr. C” is the consumate rock n roll sax man and has been a huge part of the Boss’s sound for more than thirty years…he also has a new book out chronicling his many adventures with the E Street Band. I was fortunate to introduce him at a book signing in SF last week-great to hear all the stories!
Clarence and I collaborated on the music from his last 2 CDs and will be performing the tunes along with some classic Bruce as well….I ll post the set list and also pix and video (exclusive to guitarcontrol.com readers!) and will be telling you about my new DVD product “Ecclectic Electric” so stay tuned….
Keep rockin’,
Jimmy Dillon