Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs 4.0

Check out this fourth installment of fun and easy subscriber requested riffs from Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. Be sure to get the free tabs so you can easily follow along and get this killer riffs under your belt.

subscriber riffs 4.0


Hey everybody how’s it going? This is Darrin with bringing you this video lesson. Today I’ve got volume four of subscriber requested riffs. Also right now you can click the link in the description that you can download a free chord chart from Guitar Control and you can print it out if you want, it’s actually a really good reference. It has all the chords you could ever need all in right in one place so it’s really helpful tool and it’s free; just click on the link in the description. So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at these.

Subscriber Riff-1 – Fantasy – Aldo Nova

All right so the very first one we’re going to take a look at is Fantasy by Aldo Nova and this one is just made up of your basic garden variety power chords. So we start off with G5; so I’m here on the third fret of the low E string with my first finger and the fifth fret of the A string and then the fifth fret of the D string too if you can if you can swing it. So we have this eighth note and this is on the downbeat of two we rest and then on the and of two we’re going to hit B flat five (Bb5). So we’re just going to take this shape and move it up a set of strings and down a whole step so now our first finger is on the first fret of the A string string, my third finger is on the fifth fret of the D string, fourth fingers on the fifth fret of the G string and we hit that as a quarter note on the and of two and it rings out for the downbeat of three… and then we slide out of it and then it’s rest. Then on the second measure we rest on the downbeat of one and then on the and of one we hit the G5 again and then on the downbeat of two we hit C5; so we just move it straight up so now we’re on the third fret of the A string and the fifth fret of the D and G string. Then we have an eighth note rest and move it back down to the Bb5 again and that takes care of beats three and four… then measure three is the same as the first measure… And then on the fourth measure we’ve got F5; so now we’re going to be at the first fret of the low E string with our first finger and the third fret of the A and the D string with my third and fourth finger and the downbeat of one is a rest and then on the and of one and the downbeat of two we hit that and then we rest and go back up to C5 and then the whole thing just repeats…

Subscriber Riff-2 – Shake, Shake, Shout – Hurricane Alice

All right so the next we’re going to look at is a Shake, Shake, Shout by Hurricane Alice. This one was requested and I never even have heard of the band and I’ve never heard this song, but if you’re if you’re really into that 80s hair metal sound then you’ll probably really like this band; this is pretty cool riff. So this one we’re going to be doing intervals of fourths instead of fifths. So we start off we’re just gonna barre the ninth fret of the D and G string and you can just use your first finger and move it down because we’re going to go from the ninth fret to the seventh fret, you’re still on both strings so you could like use your third finger and then your first or you could just one finger down like that… So it’s nine, seven and then the next change we’re gonna come down to the fifth fret and it’s gonna be the A and D string to the seventh fret; so like the very beginning of the song with rests in it and then when the band kicks in it’s got this pedaling the low E string… So we hit this one two and three and four and… then on the second measure we do the same timing, but now we’re gonna do that more with the fifth fret of the A and D string to the seventh fret and then the pedal again. So that’s the first two measures… Then we come on the third measure we come back up to the ninth fret of the D and G string again, just seven, one petal of the open low E string to the fifth fret of the A and D to the seventh fret pedal. Then we’ve got a G5 and for this G5 just second finger on the third fret of the low E string and the A string is muted; so I’ve just got my finger kind of drooping so it mutes the A string and then we’re going to play the D and G string open to an A5 so I just take my first finger just barre the second fret of the D and G string and the A string is open… Now that’s basically the whole riff, the whole riff is eight measures long, but when you get on to measure 5, 6 and 7 it’s the same as measures one, two and three, the only thing that’s different is the last measure instead of being G5 to two A’s, it’s D5 to two A’s. So for this D5 I’ve just got my first finger on the second fret of the G string and my second finger on the third fret of the B string and I’m playing the D string open and that’s the only difference is we just substitute the G5 for the D5…

Subscriber Riff-3 – Show Me The Way – Peter Frampton

All right then the last one we’re going to look at is Show Me The Way by Peter Frampton. I believe that he is actually in a an open tuning when he plays the song, some kind of an open D tuning I think, so this is just a way to do it with just open chords that you already know. So we start off we just got regular old D major and we start this on the downbeat of one and it’s a dotted quarter note, so it’s one, two and… and that’s the first measure. Then we’re gonna go to a D major seventh (DM7); so you basically just take your first finger and just barre the second fret of the G, B and high E strings, D string is still open and it’s the same strumming pattern… Then to a B minor (Bm); so first finger is just barring the second fret of the first five strings and my second finger is on the third fret of the B string, my third finger is on the fourth fret of the D string and my four fingers on the fourth fret of the G string, same strumming pattern. Then on the fourth measure we rest on the downbeat of one and on the and of one we’re going to do a B flat (Bb) so first finger on the first fret of the A string and then my third finger is barring the third fret of the D, G and B strings and we hit this on the and of one, so it’s like one and, and then we hit it again for two and it rings out because it’s quarter note, so it’s going to ring out for the and of two as well. And then we hit this again… and we slide to the third fret and then it just repeats…


All right so there you have it… volume four of subscriber requested riffs. So if you have a suggestion or an idea for a riff that you’d like to see covered in this series leave it down in the comments, that’s where I get these from, entirely from just subscribers leaving comments. So if you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.