Learn To Play 3 Fun & Easy Foghat Guitar Riffs

Check out these fun and easy to play riffs from Foghat from Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. Be sure to get the free tabs to go along with the step by step video instruction and you will be rockin’ these classic Foghat riffs tonight!

Foghat riff


How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with GuitarControl.com bringing this video lesson. Today I want to show you how to play three pretty cool and simple play riffs from Foghat.

Right now you can get this really cool chord chart from Guitar Control, there’s a link in the description. Click on that link you can download it, you can print it out and put it where you practice and have every chord that you could ever need for whatever you’re trying to play just right in front of you, very convenient.

So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at 3 Fun & Easy Foghat Guitar Riffs.

Foghat Riff-1 Slow Ride

All right, so the first Foghat riff we’re going look at is the riff from Slow Ride. So this is pretty easy we’re just going to do this A5 here; so the A string is open and I’ve got my first finger barring the second fret of the D and the G string… that’s really the only chord that’s in this and then there’s just a couple of other bass notes that we’re going to be adding in there. So we start off this with two eighth notes, so one and, and then on the downbeat of two we rest and on the and of two we hit the A5 again as a quarter note; so it’s the and of two, plus the downbeat of three and on the and of three we hit it again and rest on the downbeat of four and on the and of four we hit it again and it’s tied to the downbeat of the next measure. So it’s like… and after that where one and we rest on two and then on the and of two we hit this again and then we’re gonna leave our first finger where it is and we’re gonna take our middle finger and put it down onto the third fret of the A string so we’re actually getting A, C and an E, so we’re getting a c major triad. We hit that and then the open A string and then back to that C shape again with just a little bit of a bend and that’s the first two measures… Now starting on the third measure is the same as the first and then on the fourth measure we start off; one and, and now we’re going to take that middle finger still keeping our first finger here and we’re going to take our second finger and bring it up and grab the third fret of the low E string and we’re gonna pick that and it’s on the downbeat of two and then it’s tied to beat three and four. So we hit this one and, two, three, four and we start bending on beat three and pull it through beat four… and then it just repeats…

Foghat Riff-2 Fool For The City

All right so the next Foghat riff we’re going to look at is Fool For The City and this one here just uses the major barre chord shape rooted on the fifth string. So the first one we’ve got here is E; so my first finger is picking up the seventh fret of the A string and then my third finger is picking up the ninth fret of the D and G string and it’s this shape that we’re going to be using throughout this. So we’ve got E5 and we’re going to have C5 so we’re just going to bring that shape down so now we’re first fingers at the third fret and third fingers at the fifth fret… So those are basically the chords that we’ve got in this and then E5 here as well. So this starts off we rest on the first four and a half beats on measure one and we start off with this E chord what we’re doing and it’s two sixteenth note strums on the last two sixteenth notes of beat number four and then we strum it again a third time on the downbeat of the next measure and then it just takes up that whole measure. And then on beat three the downbeat of one we’re gonna just hit that mute strum and bring it down here to the C at the third and fifth fret and then hit that on the and of one and then we rest on the downbeat of two and on the and of two we hit this chord again and it’s tied to beat three and then mute three A’s… this a takes up the last two sixteenth notes and then on the fourth measure you strum it again… Then we’re going to take our first finger and just scoot it up so we’re set fretting the second fret of the G string and we’re going to play the D string open then the G string and then the B string open… and then the E5… and then the whole thing basically repeats…

Foghat Riff-3 Driving Wheel

All right then the last Foghat riff we’re gonna look at is Driving Wheel and for this one here we’re gonna start off with these little pickup notes here; so I’m on the 10th fret of the low E string with my first finger and we’re going to go 10 to 13 and back to 10 and we rest on the downbeat of one and then this is like and two and and then on the downbeat of three we reach up and we just get the 12th fret of the D string. You’re going to want to lay your finger down so you’re also picking up the 12th fret of the A string because we hit it as a chord after that now you could just do that for both times, it doesn’t have to be that specific with just that single note… So that’s the first part of the riff and then we hit that second time there that’s on the and of two and then it’s tied beats three and four and then beats one, two and three of the next measure and then on the downbeat of four on that third measure we hit the A and D string open and then we’re gonna grab this power chord here.  So we’re on the eighth fret of the low E string with my first finger the tenth fret of the A and D string with my third and fourth finger and that’s the first three measures… Then on the fourth measure we play that chord one and then for beat two we’re going to change this chord into a G minor seven over C (Gm7/C). So all we’re going to do is take our pinky and we’re going to move it from the 10th fret of the D string to the 10th fret of the G string and now when we strum we get strings E, A, D and G and we hit that on the downbeat of two, so it’s like one and two three and four. So we just take that shape and move it up a whole step and then we hit that again on the downbeat of the fifth measure. So our pinky’s playing the 12th fret of the G string and we’re going to flatten that so we’re just going to put our middle finger down and take our pinky off and we strum that on the downbeat of two and it’s tied to beats three and four, plus all of the last measure, so it’s like…


All right, so there you have it… three pretty fun and pretty cool riffs from Foghat that are pretty easy to pick up, even if you’re a beginner these are relatively easy riffs to pick up and play right away. So if you like this Foghat riff lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this Foghat riff lesson or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching 3 Foghat riffs and have a great day.