How to Play Rockin In The Free World On Guitar

Check out Easy Guitar Lesson on Chords – How to Play “Rockin In The Free World” from Guitar Control founder and instructor Claude Johnson.

Easy Guitar Lesson on Chords - How to Play Rockin in a Free World


Rockin In The Free World


Hey Claude Johnson here with and right about now I want to give you another easy guitar video lesson. So we’re going to go over a real simple three chord progression which you can find the song Rockin In The Free World by Neil Young. It’s a great progression for beginners and to the spirit of rockin out in the free world on your guitar right.

Rockin In The Free World Chords

So for Rockin In The Free World you’re going to need yourself an E minor chord, a D major chord and a C major chord. So I’m not going to waste the time here to go over those chords if you guys already know them, I don’t want to bore you. Now if you don’t know them, check out some of my other videos for the basic beginner chords. You can also check the link in the video description for similar info. Basically I’m doing like two bars of E minor and then one bar of D major and one bar of C major. If you want you can count it as a one big bar of E and then D and then to the C; all one bar which is a little easier to count I think. So let me show you what I’m talking about. So your progression is going to go a little something like this… So it’s like; one and two and three and four and, one two and, three four and. Notice all these are all down strokes except on that last one, it’s mostly the E minor is definitely all downs.

So really slow so you can see my picking hand… All right now with this E minor I’m using a little bit of palm muting. It’s a technique to make it a little more rockin. Now right now I’m using a clean tone, but if I wanted to make it a little more grungy I can turn a little distortion. But anyway, no need, you can play it on an acoustic. So that’s your progression and again if you want to count it out; one and two and three and four and, one two and, three four and. So the others parts of the song just to fill you in are the same chords except there’s a different strum… we’ve got this little walk down. So the turn around just hangs out on the A major chord and back intro your riff.


Anyway those are some cool riffs to get you started. Again if you know these three chords you can rock out with it. So have fun and again you can check the link in the video description and if you want to get my ultimate guitar song collection. Go check it out at Alrighty, thanks for watching How to Play Rockin In The Free World and I’ll talk to you soon.

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