Click Here to Grab the Christmas Guitar Course 2.0 for just $1!
Day 12:
Day 11:
Click here to learn more about Larry’s Lessons
Day 10:
Day 9:
Day 8:
Day 7:
Day 6:
Congrats to Jeff “Jd Glass work” for the first person to name the album… “Judas Priest: Screaming for Vengance!”
Jeff wins a guitar! I didn’t post all the comments cause I didn’t want to give away the answer 🙂
Here is the beautiful cover…
Next, I have a beautiful rendition of Pachelbel’s Cannon… I’ll have a video
lesson for you soon showing some subtleties of this (and a simpler version)… For now, see
if you can put it together!
Please note, there is seperate bass and melody rhythms! Listen to powertab.
Also, please be aware, this is DROP-D TUNING! That means you have to detune your low E string
1 whole step to a D, instead of an E. I’m personally not a big fan of using alternate tunings all the time,
but in this case, we need to keep the original key of D to make that majestic musical magic, and
we need a low D string to hit the low D as part of the bassline.
Wheh…that took me a while to tab out for you! So no video today…you’ll see
my smiling bearded face tomorrow 🙂
P.S. Really recommend you download and play the powertab with the
powertab player, but if you’re just too lazy and want to hear how it sounds,
here’s a midi file. I’ll record an actual guitar performance of it soon 🙂
Click Here to Grab the Christmas Guitar Course 2.0 for just $1!
Day 5:
Day 4:
TRIVIA QUESTION: What classic hard rock/metal album features a robotic weaponized bird on the cover?
reply to this post with a comment and win a guitar!
Day 3:
Click Here to Grab the Christmas Guitar Course 2.0 for just $1!
Day 2:
Let’s kick of the 12 Days of Christmas 2011! – Day 1
Click Here to Grab the Christmas Guitar Course 2.0 for just $1!
We match your dollar for charity…. Hook yourself and help us help out..It’s a win-win-win!