5 more guitar videos from Derryl

Hi Friend,

Hope you’re having a great weekend.

I’m glad to have some quiet time
here which I plan to turn into “loud time”
in a minute with some biggie riffs.

Actually I need to practice my technique
so it might not be that “loud” he he…
I’m still intent on taking my shred
chops up a few levels.

Yes, I still practice and improve,
and I learn from guys who are levels
beyond where I’m at.

One of those guys is Derryl Gabel.
We hired him to teach for Guitar
Control because he’s one of the
best in the world.

Last week I sent you two sample lessons
with tabs. Check your box if you haven’t
seen those.

Today I want to show you the rest of
the videos on his blog:


and NEXT week, I’m going to hook you
up with killer deals on some spicy
packages for advanced lead guitar
including Derryl’s brand new course.

Now if this stuff is WAY too advanced,
or if its not your particular brand of
vodka, then not to worry, there’s
tons of other goodies I have for you.

For example, blues master class:


You can check out that blog, or the course
here: https://www.bluesmasterclass.com

I also have a blog:


Remember, next week… Advanced Guitar
Lessons Galore comin your way.

Catch you on the flip side

Claude Johnson

P.S. In fact, check out all our fine courses:

If you’d like to join our exclusive club and
get access to 10 guitar sites, check this out:


And if you need help with anything, please
contact us here: https://www.guitarcontrolhelp.com
or call us anytime at 1-888-MUSIC-16.

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