Learn To Play The Theme To Better Call Saul

Learn to play the theme song from Better Call Saul with Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman, aka Uncle D. Be sure to get the free tabs so you can easily follow along with the step by step video instruction.

better call saul theme


How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with GuitarControl.com bringing you this video lesson and today I want to teach you how to play the little intro song for Better Call Saul. So this song is by an artist, Little Barrie I believe, anyway it’s pretty cool and it’s not too terribly difficult to play.

Right now there’s a link in our description you can click to download a free chord chart from Guitar Control. It’s in PDF format and you can print it off and it’s very well organized and has every chord that you could ever need at a glance.

So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at this.

Better Call Saul Theme

Alright so the very first thing we have here is we just have this A chord. So if you just take the shape from for F and we’re just going to move it up so now our first finger is barring the fifth fret of the high E and the B string and then my second finger is on the sixth fret of the G string and my third finger is on the seventh fret of the D string. So we’re gonna strum this and it’s a half note tied to an eighth note so it’s going to get two and a half beats. So we strum that and if you have a whammy bar and if you don’t it sounds great; I mean if you play it with or without the whammy bar it sounds good, but they’re actually using one, so hit that and we just want to go down, just dip in like a half step. Then with your uh third finger or excuse me your second finger we’re gonna do a slide from nowhere so I just start right there on the sixth fret and we’re gonna slide to the ninth fret and then we’re going to take that finger and just bar it so we can hit the ninth fret of the high E and then the B string and then the G string again… Now what we’re going to simply do is just do that same chord shape we did here, but now we’re going to do it here; so now your first finger is barring the eighth fret of the high E and B string and your second finger’s there on the ninth fret of the G string where we left off from the… and then your third finger onto the tenth fret of the D string and we strum this and it’s on the downbeat of one, so this is a D chord now by the way, so we hit this on the downbeat of one and it’s a half note tied to an eighth note so it’s just like this first part except we don’t do the dive… So you have to one two three and then we’re gonna come up and you’re gonna have your third finger onto the 12th fret of the high E string and your first finger on the tenth fret and then we’re going to do just a heavy rake of just the D, G and B strings. So you want to get that just kind of like that percussive notes leading up to this then you’re going to take that shape and just move it down a whole step so now your first finger is on the eighth fret and your third finger is on the 10th fret and we’re gonna pick that and do a pull-off and then just do a very slight quarter step bend… so that’s like the first two measures. And that’s like half of the riff, this first part repeats three times, so you have that… Okay so after you repeat that three times and then we’re on the third measure now and the third measure is the same as the first measure except one slight little difference. So we start off the same way with the little dive and then we’re gonna do that slide up to the ninth fret and now we’re gonna go to the ninth fret of the high E and then back to the ninth fret of the G string and then with your first finger to the eighth fret of the B string. Now rather than doing it that way you can use your second finger on the G string your third finger on the high E, back to the G string and then to the B string with your first finger, whichever way is more comfortable for you… All right then after we do that we’re going to come down and we just have an E5 power chord so your first finger is here on the second fret of the A string and the low E string is open and so we’re going to kind of palm mute that and it’s one and then on the downbeat of two it’s a 16th note and then we do it again as an eighth note; so it’s like…. Then we’re going to take our first finger we’re going to come to the ninth fret on the; actually I guess it doesn’t matter if it’s your first finger, whatever is more comfortable for you, I just use my first finger so I come up here to the ninth fret and we’re going to kind of rake into that first note like we did with this on the other part to the eighth fret to the seventh to the fifth… Then just keep your first finger there on the fifth fret of the G string and take your second finger we’re going to come up here to the sixth fret on the A string and we’re going to pick that and then do a hammer-on the seventh fret with our third finger… then we’re going to skip up to the G string, first finger is already at the fifth fret. we’re going to pick that and hammer to seven and then the A string open, hammer to the third fret, I’m using my second finger, and then just a A5. So first finger is just going to barre the second fret of the D and the G string and the A string is open. All right so the whole thing…


All right so there you have it, the intro theme music for the TV show Better Call Saul. So because I thought this was kind of a cool, I had a one of my private students request this song and so after I transcribed it and everything and we started working I was like “that’s kind of a cool one to show you guys”, it’s kind of fun to play and just a little bit you know different from the stuff maybe you’re playing you know all the time all right now. So if you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.