The Only “Real Guitar Edge”

Hi Friend,

Ok, this email is short and sweet…

Listen the only “real edge” as a guitar player
is to keep learning new stuff. If you want
a “fresh edge” learn new styles, licks and tricks
and you’ll have “edge galore”.

Go see what Mehran and the Johnsonater
have cooked up for you. Go get your edge at:

and refresh your browser at

3:00 PM EST
2:00 PM CST
1:00 PM MST
12:00 NOON PST

You’ll get the full scoop on all the goodies
you get as part of the Flamenco Guitar
Secrets package.

Don’t miss out!


Claude Johnson

P.s. Remember, if you’re one of the first 3 people
to order , you’ll get a free Rokstark guitar.

Best way to contact us:

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