Learn how to play the riff from the classic Black Crowes tune She Talks To Angels with Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman, aka Uncle D. Be sure to get the free included tabs so you can easily follow along and you will be rockin’ this sweet riff tonight!

How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with GuitarControl.com bringing you this video lesson and today I want to show you how to play the main riff from She Talks To Angels by the Black Crowes. Now this song is actually in open E tuning, but I’m going to show you how to play it in standard tuning because this is the way that I learned how to play it by ear way back when it came out and I just figured it out my ear and didn’t realize that it was in open tuning. Anyhow since then I’ve learned how to play it on open tuning and it’s really not too terribly different and so to me it’s just not that difficult to play it this way.
Right now Guitar Control is giving away a free chord chart and there’s a link down in the description where you can download it. It’s in PDF format you can print it out and have every chord you could ever need on just one page very laid out well and a really great useful tool and it’s free; just click the link in the description.
All right so be sure to click the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at this.
She Talks To Angels – The Black Crowes
All right so starting off we’ve got this little intro lick melody, whatever you want to call it. So here on the fourth fret of the B string with my first finger and we’re going to pick that and do a hammer-on to the fifth fret and then the high E string open… Then we’re going to come to the fourth fret and we’re gonna slide down to the second fret on the B string and then a pull-off to the open string… and then the open high E string again and then we’re going to go to the G string, first fret first finger, and we’re going to pick that and do a hammer-on to the second fret follow that with the open B and open high E string and then back to the G string second fret, your second finger should still be there… All right so after you do the… back to that second fret, that’s the first measure and then on the second measure we’re going to pick that again and pull-off to the first fret and then follow that with the second fret of the of the D string and then good old E major; the low E string is open, I’m on the second fret of the A string with my second finger and the second fret of the D string with my third finger and the first fret of the G string with my first finger and the B and high E strings are both open… Okay so when we strum this it is on the downbeat of two and it’s a dotted half note so it’s going to be two, three, four and then starting on the third measure it’s almost the same thing as the first, actually it is the same thing as the first measure. So we come back up to the fourth fret of the B string again and pick and slide to fifth fret, open high E string, back to the B string, G string first hammer to second and then on the fourth measure it’s like the second measure was the G string picked the second fret pull-off the first to the second fret of the D string to an E… So after we hit that E and it rings out then we’ve got two strums at the very last two sixteenth notes of beat four and then starting on the next measure it’s one two and then when we go to beat three we have E suspended four (Esus4). We’re going to keep this e major shape but we’re going to take our pinky and we’re going to put it down so it’s on the second fret of the G string and then back off and then back on and then back off, so it’s like… All right so that’s like the first part of the whole thing. Then we’ve got some natural harmonics so just the12th fret of the E, A, D and G strings and then the D G and B strings and then the A, D and G strings… and then we’re going to go back to that same little E to Esus4 riff again. All right so now this is where it starts to get a little bit more difficult. So we’re going to start off here on the second fret of the D string and we’re going to pick that and slide to the fourth fret… so since you’re coming off of this E your third finger is on the second fret of the D string so we’re going to pick that and slide to the fourth fret and then you’re going to take your first finger and put it on to the first fret of the G string to the B string open back to the G string and then you’re going to set your second finger onto the second fret of the D string and your third finger finger onto the second fret of the B string and we’re gonna take your third finger off so the B string is open and then you’re going to have to put your first finger on the second fret of the D string and your third finger on the fourth fret of the D string and you’re going to pick and pull-off back to an E… then that same E to Esus4 riff. Then we’re going to come up here to the fifth fret on the B string we’re going to play the high E string first to this B string at the fifth fret and then we’re just going to move that note on the B string down; so we go from the fifth fret to the fourth fret to the second fret… Then we’re gonna come to the G string first finger on the first fret second and we’re going to pick the second fret pull to the first then our second finger is going to go to the second fret of the D string, back to the G string first fret… back to the second fret of the D string and then the B string open and then that riff again with the E to Esus4 riff… All right so that’s the entire thing, it’s 12 measures long, my recommendation would just be to take a chunk at a time and really try to get them down memorized; it helps a lot with being able to play it if you’re not trying to think of you know what’s coming next.
All right so there you have it, the intro opening riff to She Talks To Angels by The Black Crowes transposed so it can be played in standard tuning. So if you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I’ve got for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.