Choose The Right Guitar Course And Learn To Play Like A Pro!
If you are a blues, bass, acoustic or rock guitar fan and want to learn how to play like the all time favorites of the industry, then beginning guitar lessons online is a very popular option these days. Video guitar lessons ensure learning like no other medium, and you can choose from a variety of options which range from guitar for beginners, to advanced guitar lessons, and rock and acoustic guitar tutorials.
With the rising demand by passionate and aspiring guitarists in the industry, easy guitar theory and electric guitar lesson help, is offered by many experienced players online. Guitar Control offers a long list of guitar courses and tutorials for easy learning. Find the right one for yourself now!

Americana Guitar
Play smokin’ riffs and big ole’ American guitar songs like a pro. All you need to do is follow these easy, step-by-step lessons from one of the best guitar instructors you’ll ever find.

Blues Power
What if you could instantly upgrade your guitar chops with the unifying blues secret from all the greatest blues guitarists of all time? You won’t have to spend weeks, months, or years studying the blues like a monk in a monastery. Jon is going to show you the essential blues guitar patterns, and then how to change just a few notes to start invoking the magic of all these amazing blues legends.

Boogie Blues Magic
Would you love to improve your guitar playing, but you’re not sure of the exact steps to take to get the next level… or even what the next level is?
The Complete Guitarist system gives you a “GPS” for your fretboard. Matt’s gonna teach you about guitar and music on a deep level, show you some true “missing link”, inspire you, give you all his shortcuts, and help make it 10 times easier for you to get to the prozone.

How to Play Smokin' Blues
You’ll be playing some Smokin’ blues guitar in less than 7 days with these 245 easy-to-learn, essential blues riffs & licks complete with detailed tabs and one digital course. It’s like getting 50 jam-packed blues lessons for the price of one.

Modern Fusion Blues
This isn’t just about blues guitar. If you like playing blues OR rock, jamming, or playing any kind of leads, this is for you.

Zero to Hero in 10 Days Blues
The one that takes beginners. That has dabbled with the guitar and turns them into great sounding guitarists. That can play the blues and learn on their own without a teacher and in record time.

Mississippi Blues and Beyond
Is there anything sweeter than just being able to just pick up your guitar… sit on your porch in the summertime (or jam next to the fireplace in the winter) and just lay down some slick nasty blues riffs. You haven’t a care in the world. It’s just you, your guitar, and the music.