How to Do Flashy Electric Guitar Tricks – Pick Scrapes and Slides

Hey guys,

Here´s some cool tricks that every rock guitar player should know!

And please don´t forget to check out the lastest DVD from Jon!


Hi, I’m John McClennan and I’m here
with, bringing you
this video lesson. What I want to
show you today is a super-cool way
that you can throw-in some flashy sort
of frills into your playing, and a
little bit of it at the right moment
can be really cool.

The first thing that I’m going to show
you is called a pick scrape. What you
do is you take your pick and you just
drag it. You put it back here kind of
sideways along the strings and you just
drag it along the strings and you get
this sound. You get all sorts of crazy tones.

If I think of a tune that uses it,
like if you listen to Van Halen and
“The Cradle Will Rock”, it totally just
starts out with just a big ole pick scrape.
So that’s something cool.

Then let’s say that you’re playing a chord
here like on the 5th fret, just a power chord,
and you can just immediately start by sliding
into it. Just really simple ideas can be very
effective, so slides and pick scrapes. The only
thing about the pick scrape is it chews holes
in your pick. You can also do it on acoustic
guitar and it’s just a great effect whether
you’re using it in recording or just for that
one moment live or something in the song where
you just — you’re going to the next level.

Check it out. Click the links below and we’ll
see you in the next lesson. Thanks.

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