Cool Backing Tracks
You can download this backing track here: Click here to download the track. [audio:https://www.claudejohnson.com/019 B minor.mp3] HERE’S A SECOND ONE: You can download this backing track here: Click here to download the track. [audio:https://www.claudejohnson.com/001 A minor.mp3] Want HUNDREDS of tracks, plus thousands of video lessons, software and more? Then check out the guitar god club. …
New Jam Tracks
New Jam Tracks just added to the guitar god club… Here’s me jamming a lead over one of them. Not a member of the Guitar God Club? Get Thousands of video lessons, hundreds of jam tracks, scale and ear training software and more… CLICK HERE TO JOIN.
Mantias de Plata
This guy (Manitas de Plata) blew me away the first time I heard him. It inspired me to learn some of these flamenco guitar techniques… A few years ago, I was at my Uncle’s house for dinner, and afterwards, he puts on this old record and out comes some of the most amazing, beautiful guitar …
Blues Jam: Claude Johnson and Sol Philcox
Sol Philcox is back! We recently recorded a monster new DVD course called “Blues Master Class”. The most fun part of filming this new product was jamming with Sol at the end He is just amazing. Although Sol’s new blues course won’t be out for a bit, I do know quite a few things …
Claude Plays "Return to Little Rock"
Hey guitar friends… Claudio here… whaddup. Ok, I have been working on this tune today “Return to Little Rock”. Thought I would try recording it and chucking it up on my blog for you to listen to. Now granted, I don’t play it as well as Stefan Grossman does. However, it does still sound pretty …
Claude Johnson Guitar Solo
Here’s an improvised bluesy solo….Well yes it is the same backing track I solo’d over in the Austin powers movie…and its one of the tracks you can get with blues guitar jams as part of the Guitar God Club. If you’re not a member, check this: www.guitargodclub.com/tryit.php LAST MINUTE 2009 DEALS Learn 10 Christmas Songs …