Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs 1.0

Learn to play these fun and easy subscriber requested riffs with Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. Be sure to get the free tabs to go along with the step by step Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs video instruction.

subscriber riffs


How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with bringing you this video lesson and today I’ve got three more riffs that are requested by you guys. So these are riffs that you guys left down in the comments on previous videos that you’d like to learn. So if you have ideas for riffs that you’d like to learn be sure to leave them in the comments because I look through that stuff and I plan to kind of make this a regular thing. So be sure to click on the link in the description with the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs 1.0.

Subscriber Riff-1 – Tears Are Falling – KISS

All right so the first Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs we’re going to look at is Tears Are Falling by KISS. So at the very beginning of this I did make a slight alteration to it to make it so when you’re playing it by yourself it sounds a little fuller. So on this at the beginning of it the guitar is just playing this F sharp (F#) here on the ninth fret of the A string, one two and three and four and, at the same time the bass guitar is playing it here on the second fret of the low E string… to kind of get that full sound like that use your first finger here on the second fret of the low E string and then your third finger on the fourth fret of the D string and then let your first finger kind of mute the A string and then you can kind of get both of that and get a little bit fuller sound. So that’s like one and two and three and four and, and then it’s repeated four times and then it goes into this other riff. So we’re going to come up here to the ninth fret and you’re going to take your first finger and just barre it across the low E, A, D and G string and then you’re going to take your third finger and put it on the 11th fret of the D string and your pinky on the 11th fret of the G string. Then we’re going to keep our first finger there, but move our third and fourth fingers down a set of strings, so still on the 11th fret, we’ll move it down so we’re on the A and D string and then take those off in just the ninth fret of the A, D and G string and then back to the original chord. So it’s like… then we’re going to come down and we have a E5 power chord; so first fingers on the seventh fret of the A string, third finger’s on the ninth of the D string and pinkies on the ninth of the G string and we’re going to hit this on the downbeat of one, which is the fourth measure it looks like and so it’s a dotted quarter note and it’s like one two and then on the and of two we just move that down a whole step to D5 and that rings out for the rest of the measure. So it’s like… and we’re going to just we’re going to do the dips on the whammy bar and then we move up on the next measure and we move up here to the ninth fret so we’re at nine and 11, same strings, same timing and we’re gonna go from that back to the E5 with the dives… and that takes care of this Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riff.

Subscriber Riff-2 – Telegram – Nazareth

Next Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs we have a riff from the song Telegram by Nazareth. This was requested several times and I’d never heard this song before and it’s a pretty long song and it’s got a lot of just really kind of stretched out parts; the first three and a half minutes of the song there really isn’t any guitar in there unless you kind of count maybe if the guitar is just pedaling like that… I can’t even really hear it, it’s mostly like the bass, but then at about the three and a half minute mark this riff comes in that’s kind of cool so that’s what I’ve chosen. So we start off with just the open low E string and it’s eighth notes, so it’s like beats one and two one and two and your palm muted one and two and and then for beat three we go to the seventh fret of the A string and this is sixteenth notes, so it’s like three and uh and then we hit it again as a quarter note on beat four. So that’s like the first measure and then the second measure we just do the same thing but now this note moves from the seventh fret down to the fifth fret and then to the fourth fret. Then we have here the a bunch of overlaid guitars. So the first one goes seven on the low E string and we pick that and hammer to eight and then ten and then we take that pinky and roll it up and pick up the tenth fret of the A string… Now if you listen on the recording you hear… and then another one an octave higher and another one; so what I’ve kind of done to make it so you can do all those together is we’re going to move that shape and do the exact same thing but starting on the ninth fret of the D string and then we’re going to move the same shape up again starting on the 12th fret of the B string… and then it just repeats… and that takes care of this Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riff.

Subscriber Riff-3 – Just Another Day – Dio

All right and then the last Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs we have is Just Another Day by Dio. So this is from the Sacred Heart album, so it’s it was kind of when Dio had a big fork in the road because Vivian Campbell had left and I believe it was Rowan Robertson that played on this album, so it’s kind of different, but I could be wrong. If I’m wrong on that you know correct me in the comments. All right so for Just Another Day we start off we’re just pedaling the low E string palm muted as eighth notes and there’s three measures of this; so it’s like one two and three and four. And then starting on the second measure go to the third fret of the low E string, and this is eighth note, so one and, and then on the and of one it’s the open string and then we’ll go to the second fret two and so one and two and and then the downbeat of three we go to the second fret of the D string the and of three is the D string open and then the downbeat of four we just barre the first fret of the A and the D string and then the and of four to the second fret and that’s the first two measures. All right and then starting on the third measure this is kind of like where the main riff comes from, so we have pedal in the low E string again palm muted, so one and, and then on the downbeat of two we’re going to barre the fifth fret of the A and D string and it’s like one and two and three and four and, and then on the next measure one and two and, and on the and of two we hit this again, but it’s a quarter note so it rings out for longer. Then we do A and D string open on the and of three and down to four is the first fret and the and of four is the second fret and so that’s like half of the riff. And then starting on measure five it just starts over again and this time a little different; we have one and two and three and four and and then on measure six we have like kind of that what measure two is like. So we go to the second or excuse me the third fret of the low E string, one and two and three and four and, and then it would just repeat and then we start over again.


All right so there you have it three more Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs. So if you have ideas you know leave them down in the comments. If you like this Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have questions about this or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Also I’m gonna leave a link down there to this chord chart that you can download for free and print it out and hang it on your wall or whatever and then at a glance any chord that you need for whatever type of music you’re doing, you have right there. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs 1.0 and have a great day.