How to Play Octave Notes in the Style of Wes Montgomery – Part 2

How to Play Octave Notes in the Style of Wes Montgomery -- Jazz Guitar Lesson - Part 2

How to Play Octave Notes in the Style of Wes Montgomery - Jazz Guitar Lesson - Part 2

Please check out Jon´s course in DVD `PLAY FROM THE HEART´

How’s it going everybody? My name is John McClennan
and I’m here with, bringing you
this video blog. What I’m showing you today is an
octave lick in the style of Wes Montgomery.
So let’s dive right in.

Here we are on a C minor 7 chord and here’s
a nice Wes voicing for you: 3rd fret, 1st fret,
1st fret, 3rd, 3rd, 1st. So lots of barring
there with the 1st finger, but again, a great chord.
Notice there’s no root in that chord. Again,
your bass player is going to play the C, so
a lot of jazz voicings end up being rootless
for guitar so you’re out of the bass player’s way.

But here we go. We’re going to start on the minor
9th of the chord and to make an octave
you’ve got to play — here I’m on the
7th fret and then the 10th fret and I have
to deaden all the other strings and I’m using my thumb.
You can use a pick as well. Sometimes you can play
with the point of the pick or you can also turn it
around and play like that. But I like the thumb a
lot of times. So I just put my pick between my fingers.
Here we go.

If I count where my first finger is, on the 7th and then
the 8th and then the 5th. Then I slide up.
Here I’ve gone to another set of a string so my fingers,
rather than being stretched out like this for an octave
they move in with one fret between the finger,
back to the other position and then 7 with the 1st finger,
5 and then be, bop, boom, outlining that chord.
You can just think of your triad right here.
There’s your C minor just arpeggio. One-and,
two-and, three-and, four-and.

A lot of times Wes is doing a lot of these octaves
where he’s playing on the upbeats. One-and, two-and,
three-and, four-and. So the rhythm, and of course,
the style being octaves and stuff is a big part of
just getting the sound right. So here it is
slowly one more time.

C minor 7 or you can play C minor 11 chord down here.
And be sure to click the link below for the tab and
we’ll catch you in the next lesson. Thanks for watching.

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