No bull Texas Blues (video)

Hello Friend,

It’s only been about a week since I’ve been
back in Philly.

Before that I went on a little road trip 🙂

First I was in Los Angeles. I sent you
an email about that.

What I didn’t mention was that I also was
in Texas for a few days. I guess it
was a “top secret” mission, which you
might hear about further on up the road.

If you’ve been on my email list for a little
while, you know that I’m all about creating
whacky, entertaining vibes for you…

And of course, providing the best guitar
wisdom and tools I can.

So, I was with a few friends down there and
someone had the idea that it would be cool
to find one of those “mechanical bulls”
and shoot a quick video clip of me
playing guitar on the bull.

We asked around and someone actually told
us where the bull was. Next it was a matter
of locating the place. Thanks to the magic
of GPS, we finally arrived.

And the place was closed!


No bull.

(pun intended)..haha

Yeah, there was not a car in the lot, not a light
on in the building. I knew my dreams of riding
the bull were doomed.

Oh well.

We had a great night anyway. Just went to the
Japanese sushi restaurant across the street.

Well, I had my guitar anyway, so at one point
after dinner I grabbed it and was playing a few
riffs at our table.

The camera was turned on, and I played a riff
and talked about the ‘Texas sushi blues’.

It all fits cause Texas is home to a lot of
great blues guitar – from Stevie Ray back to Blind
Lemon Jefferson.

Speaking of the blues, we’re coming out with an
awesome new collection of jam tracks, and
guess what: It’s ALL BLUES.

It will be ready for you in a week.

For now, please enjoy the Texas sushi blues video,
and have an awesome day.

Claude Johnson

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