That nasty 27 club

Hi Friend,

What do Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin,
Jim Morrison, Kurt Kobain, and
Amy Winehouse have in common?

That’s right… They were successful
musicians who all died
at the age of 27 as a direct
or indirect result of drug
and alcohol abuse.

First, let me extend my condolences
to her family, friends, and fans. If I
could do anything to take away
your pain, I would.

Now, I know you guitarists are probably thinking:


You didn’t just say Jimi Hendrix
in the same sentence as Amy Winehouse.

Actually, I did (lol)… I went there.

Chalk it up to one of the trappings
of being a rock star — you have so much money
that partying yourself to death becomes
a real possibility.

I’d be lying if I told you I never experimented with
drugs and alcohol when I was younger.

But these days, I “get high” on life and its simple pleasures.
I’m talking about stuff like playing guitar, taking hot showers, eating
a bowl of spicy noodle soup at my favorite restaurant,
and working on exciting projects.

So that’s my answer. Do what you love.
Find your passion. Follow your bliss.

Like my friend Jack Frost says, “You can
fall in love with the guitar.”

It’s all about momentum.

Habits (both good and bad) live and die
by momentum. If you’re not practicing
guitar each day and you want to build
the habit, try this:

Just schedule 15 minutes for yourself.
Pick a time slot in advance. Write
it down.

Now here’s the key: Do it for 5 days in a row.

That should really start you on the path.
Then, expand it to 30 minutes and beyond.

Even the laziest, sloth-minded among us
can sit still for 15 minutes and pick
a few notes.

Use that tiny bit of discipline and it
can snowball for you into a really good

Also, keep feeding your brain new information
to keep you inspired. That’s a better way
to “feed your head”… And it’s a big
reason why I’m excited about the Guitar
God Club…

You can keep learning new lessons and
get new jam tracks DAILY to keep you fresh
and excited.

I’ll wrap up this email by reminding you
that if you’re not in the Guitar God Club,
you can get in (or rejoin) for phreee
when you pick up “Chord Mastery 2.0”
for just a buck.

Chord Mastery Dealio

But this dealio is gone at the end
of the month, so do it up.

Don’t fight your destiny… If you’re reading this, you
were probably meant to play guitar 🙂

Let me help you on the path. I’m offering access to
some great stuff here:

Get Chord Mastery for a buck

Claude Johnson


Guitar Control Learning Resources:


Here’s the most popular items:

The ultimate guitar course for beginners who want
to play their favorite songs fast.

Rule the neck fast with the 3 killer guitar control secrets.

Russian nervous system technology triples the speed of your chop building.

Learn the 4 big blues secrets and sound like a seasoned
blues veteran in a few fun hours.

The best selling acoustic guitar course of 2010 and 2011.

Add a whole new dimension of tasty guitar chops to your arsenal.

Learn all the greatest jazz standards of all times.

Need help? Visit us at

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