Hi Friend,
I want to share a video with you today.
No… its not one of my coolio lessons with tabs.
I’ll have a “Claude Lesson” for you in the next email.
No, today I want to show you what I can only
call a “smooth” guitar solo.
It’s not the fastest playing ever, nor is it
the most wailing.
But boy is it smooth!
It’s from a new teacher who goes by the
name of Dokun. He’s actually from Nigeria
But now he’s a guitar teacher in Maryland.
How cool is that?
The guy rocks. And we’re coming out with
a new DVD series from this interesting player.
I showed this short sample solo to Virtuwul
and he was like:
“Wow. This is a new kind of smooth. People
are going to really want to learn this style!”
Now is the time when you get to tell me your
opinion. Is Virtuwul right? Is this a
new smooth vibe that you’re interested
in learning?
Please post your comment!
– Claude
P.S. Jimmy Dillon just got back from
his honeymoon and the wedding celebration
is on with specials on his DVDs, but only
till Wednesday. Grab these now:
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