Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Video: The Modern Slide Vibrato

hi Friend, This is one technique I never saw in any traditional “guitar guides”… I call it the “modern slide vibrato”… It’s something that only the hippest guitar cats do 🙂 As always, the Johnsonater is here for you, to “decode” the latest and greatest. Check out the video I just shot this morning: VIDEO …

Your opinion: Is this guy the King of the Blues?

hi Friend, A couple months back, I was sitting reading a guitar magainze and saw a cool article about a dude name “Jonathon Boogie Long”. He was the 2011 winner of Guitar Centers’ “King of the Blues” contest. Please don’t confuse “Guitar Control” (which is us) with “Guitar Center”, the national chain of guitar super …

VIP Reminder – Live Webinar Thursday 8 PM EST

hi Friend, Don’t forget to join me tomorrow night. Thursday 8 PM EST. I’m doing a LIVE presentation on my webcam about “Soloing with Modes”. Plus you can ask me questions via chat, live! Only for the VIPs who are the GGC. That’s you! Just log into the guitar god club: and you’ll see …

Last call for Xmas Guitar Course

hi Friend, It really has been a crazy year for me, both personally and professionally… Got married, moved to a new city, and things have never been more hectic. But it’s all good! I want to thank you for being part of the Guitar Control family. This is my last email about the “Xmas Promo”… …

can’t be end of world because…

hi Friend, Yesterday, got a nice little lesson on classic stones licks… Today we have a new lesson with some funk style riffs… And tomorrow I’ll announce the winner of the Skulls trivia contest. So you see it can’t be end-times because then we wouldn’t get to announce that, see. I made mention of that …