Finish 2012 with a bang and start 2013 with a KABOOOM!!

hi Friend,

I hope your year has been a great one.

Remember these wise words: do epic things every single day
because you’re trading a give your life for it.
And you’ll never get that day back. The day’s gone. Forever.

Yeah baby I’m dropping some half corny motivational
lines here but it’s true. That’s why I try to get
some guitar practice in every single day.
I want to keep improving. Even if I’m only Improving
1% a week that means in a year from now I’ll be 52% better that I am now.

And if I keep doing that year after year I’ll
eventually reach my goal of being a super zamner guitar hero.

Enough about me, this email’s about you. Lets talk about how you
can take 2013 to new zones you’ve never gone to.

First you need the right information.

You need the right knowledge. You need to get the shortcuts that work.
The quickest path to go from where you are now to that next level.

I’ve done my best to put together an awesome collection of
courses and instructors… But in the long run, I don’t
care WHO you learn from.

You can learn on your own, from a private teacher, from some other
Internet dudes…WHATEVER 🙂

My only wish is that you’re having fun and staying inspired 🙂

That said, if you ARE looking for a great resource from
the Johnsonater and the Guitar Control gang… I would
like to recommend the Jimmy Dillon set.

If you already bought it, a big thanks and I can’t wait
to get your emails about how you’re enjoying it.

For those who didn’t grab it yet, the sale ends on Dec 31 at


Really, one of the best teachers to get you
from the beginner to intermediate or intermediate to advanced is Jimmy Dillon.

Jimmy Dillon is the guitarist’s guitarist. He’s great at
simplifying timeless guitar teachings that can make
any guitar player twice as good as they are now in record time.

Again, in case you missed it we didn’t we put together
the greatest Jimmy Dillon packages ever. Its called
the Jimmy Dillon Box Set. It’s full of epicness.

You getting everything he’s ever put out first starting
with Soul Of Acoustic Guitar. This was the landmark
groundbreaking course that every acoustic guitar aficionado freaked out about.

Then he released Rocking The Blues. This is a must own
classic for any blues enthusiast. It’s just jam packed
with Nonstop blues magic nuggets.

Then we plug in the electric and we open up
Pandora’s box with eclectic electric guitar secrets.
It’s just another epic roller coaster ride to the Wonderland of guitar magic.

And were just getting warmed up.

Then we go even deeper with Acoustic Enlightenment.
With this course he takes everything on acoustic guitars
to that next dimension of spiritual power.
Then we go to the next level with Rocking The Blues deluxe.
It’s a continuation of deeper more powerful blues secrets
that every serious guitar player needs to know.

Finally you get Jimmy latest and greatest course,
Eclectic Electric Guitar 2, which is filled to the brim
with with incredible awesomeness.
Here’s the crazy part… You ready are you sitting down?

You get all of this for only $197.
So you literally save $260 right now.

It doesn’t get more easy, simple and brain-dead then this.
Hit the link, hit the page and fill out the form below now. You’ll thank me later.


Best wishes for 2013 and I’ll have a lot of great stuff
for you. Get ready for a lot of fun.

Rock on,
Claude johnson

PS I’m telling you right now if you do just one “bold action” move for 2013,
Get the Boxset and your guitar playing is going to be twice as good as right now.

PPS. Special exclusive promo price ends Dec 31 at midnight.

Dominate the fretboard with Fretboard Domination

Learn 50, 75, or even 125 of your favorite songs now

Jimmy Dillon Summer Sale on DVDs

Get some Epic Rhythm Guitar Power

The ultimate guitar course for beginners who want
to play their favorite songs fast.

Rule the neck fast with the 3 killer guitar control secrets.

Fretboard Intensive Training (FIT)

Russian nervous system technology triples the speed of your chop building.

Learn the 4 big blues secrets and sound like a seasoned
blues veteran in a few fun hours.

The best selling acoustic guitar course of 2010 and 2011.

Add a whole new dimension of tasty guitar chops to your arsenal.

Learn all the greatest jazz standards of all times.


Need help? Visit us at

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