Modern Acoustic Guitar | Guitar Control Sat, 04 Dec 2021 02:56:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Modern Acoustic Guitar | Guitar Control 32 32 Available NOW! – Modern Acoustic Guitar Tue, 23 Apr 2013 13:14:58 +0000 Yes, the wait is almost over….

On Wednesday the 24th, at 3 PM EST (That’s noon Pacfic),
you’ll be able to grab this brand-new 3 DVD set with tabs…

Just go to this page and refresh at “GO TIME”:



1. first 50 buyers get a digital copy of “The Best of Jimmy Dillon”
album including bonus tracks.

2. first 20 buyers get a copy of “the Cover Story”, a 2 hour
DVD documentary about the Greatful dead , Steve Miller Band,
and other legends.

3. I’m also giving away THREE “Rokstark Lightheart” Acoustic Guitars,
each worth $349 to 3 lucky winners. (Anyone ordering on Wednesday
is eligible)

4. And….I’m giving away one MOTHERSHIP pedal , which is an incredible
analog sythenszier pedal capable of otherwordly sounds and has
a list price of $675. (Anyone ordering on Wednesday is eligible)

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How to Play Chords on Acoustic Guitar | Video Lesson Sun, 21 Apr 2013 14:41:17 +0000

Check out this lesson from Jimmy Dillon:

In this lesson, you’ll learn some “acoustic secret sauce”…
Just imagine how much you’ll learn with the 3 DVDs and tabs!

Get ready for “MODERN ACOUSTIC GUITAR” to be released this Wednesday the 24th!

It all goes down at 3 PM EST. That’s 2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain and Noon Pacific Time.

Just go here: and refresh the page.

1. first 50 buyers get a digital copy of “The Best of Jimmy Dillon”
album including bonus tracks.

2. first 20 buyers get a copy of “the Cover Story”, a 2 hour
DVD documentary about the Greatful dead , Steve Miller Band,
and other legends.

3. I’m also giving away THREE “Rokstark Lightheart” Acoustic Guitars,
each worth $349 to 3 lucky winners. (Anyone ordering on Wednesday
is eligible)

4. And….I’m giving away one MOTHERSHIP pedal , which is an incredible
analog sythenszier pedal capable of otherwordly sounds and has
a list price of $675. WOW…

Again, you must order on the first day to be eligible to win! 🙂

That’s THIS coming Wednesday…. 3 DVDs with Tabs….


Stills was doing his version of “It Takes a Lot to Laugh,
It Takes Train to Cry” which is Bob Dylan’s song. It’s usually…

Well, when that album came out I’m hearing this song and I’m
like that’s the Dylan song? I mean, how many people have
reimagined Bob Dylan songs? A lot of people have. But his
thing went… That’s a bar G, but then you’ve got to put
your thumb over it and let that G string ring out. Now,
take that same chord, this is some secret sauce here, so
listen up. Take that same chord and go back to an F position.
Isn’t that a cool sound? I love that and I’ve used this both
on electric and acoustic, but especially acoustic. Yodel.

So when you slide back and forth from a 1 to a 7 in a G
and you’ve got that open tune with your thumb over the
top, you get that… It really moves, doesn’t it? Of
course he did a whole different arrangement to it.

You can also do the same thing, and there are many
ways to do this, if you move it up to a C you get
kind of an interesting Towns end — a Tommy kind of
sound. A little Keith there. A big sound. Even though
it’s an acoustic guitar it’s got a big sound to it.
I even do a — if you want to approach it in a funny
kind of — we were talking about reimagining songs
in an acoustic way. Of course that’s the famous,
“It’s Getting Better All the Time” by the Beatles.

It’s kind of cool to hear what that open G can do. It’s
just a C position. It’s a little bit of a stretch. You’ve
got to get your thumb up over the top. There’s no way —
some of these chords there’s no way that I know of to do
without getting that big thumb over the top. We were
talking about classical training and how that all works.

But I want to continue on. I’m going to play
another song for you.


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Connecting the Chords on Acoustic Guitar Made Easy for Beginners Sat, 20 Apr 2013 12:54:04 +0000

Check out this lesson from Jimmy Dillon:

Like Jimmy says, “sometimes the most interesting thing is
what happens BETWEEN the chords”… Check it out 🙂

Get ready for “MODERN ACOUSTIC GUITAR” to be released this Wednesday the 24th!

It all goes down at 3 PM EST. That’s 2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain and Noon Pacific Time.

Just go here: and refresh the page.
1. first 50 buyers get a digital copy of “The Best of Jimmy Dillon”
album including bonus tracks.

2. first 20 buyers get a copy of “the Cover Story”, a 2 hour
DVD documentary about the Greatful dead , Steve Miller Band,
and other legends.

3. I’m also giving away THREE “Rokstark Lightheart” Acoustic Guitars,
each worth $349 to 3 lucky winners. (Anyone ordering on Wednesday
is eligible)

4. And….I’m giving away one MOTHERSHIP pedal , which is an incredible
analog sythenszier pedal capable of otherwordly sounds and has
a list price of $675. WOW…

Again, you must order on the first day to be eligible to win! 🙂

That’s THIS coming Wednesday…. 3 DVDs with Tabs….


Again, this is a common progression but if you’re doing
that and doing that and you go to your E minor, you
understand that you’ve got an open chord there. So
you have a chance to kind of add a little color to it.

I’m basically sliding up to an F sharp note on my
D string, and this is one I use a lot on an E minor.
You can use it in other chords, too, but especially
in E minor. If you listen to this it kind of has
that… It’s a really nice touch. I’ll go over that
slowly for you again. What if you did an upstroke
here and then you did the lick? That’s the connective
tissue that — it’s what goes between the chords.
Sometimes that’s the most interesting thing.

We were chatting earlier about what makes a pro
guitarist or a good guitarist sort of stand out
as opposed to just a generic, you know, everyday
thing. And I think part of it is obviously your
vocabulary. If you have a vocabulary of passing
licks that happen between the chords, that’s going
to make a huge difference dynamically and also
getting over to a crowd, really. Delivering a song,
if you have those nice… You hear that often in
like a walkdown from D, from a D to a C, you’ll
hear… Really nice. Or a…

What that does is it’s sort of like the — oh,
I don’t know. It’s sort of the passing tones
that connect the chords together. To me that’s
what really makes a song interesting. So that’s
the verse feel for “Love Can Be That Way”.

We have a B section I’m going to get to now.
So we’ve gone from here to here to here. And
when we get to the B section, it’s C to D.
I’m hitting that C with a — in this case,
because it’s an acoustic guitar, I’m including
that G note in the bottom. Makes it big fat
cowboy chord, doesn’t it? You want those big,
fat chords when you’re playing acoustic because
unlike electric where sometimes you’re just doing
a little… Because you know otherwise it’s going
to be overwhelming with the sonic qualities of
electric guitar. But with acoustic guitar you can
do a full bodied chord and it’s good.

I’m going to share something with you now that
I didn’t play in this particular passage, but
I do play it on the record.

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How to Do A Funky 2-chord Jam Session On Acoustic Guitar Sun, 14 Apr 2013 14:06:35 +0000 Hey folks …welcome to another video from Jimmy Dillon.

This is from the upcoming MODERN ACOUSTIC GUITAR
course – 3 DVDs with tabs, coming out on April 24th…

Before we go any further I want to explain a little
bit of what I’m doing here. We’re talking about modern
acoustic guitar. I’ve got Duane holding down the bottom
here and we had a little loop going, but I want to show
you just some raw modern acoustic. I was kind of doing a…

You’ll hear a lot of that kind of stuff in some of the
modern music today, whether it’s a funky kind of acoustic
band situation or even just a solo artist. I like the
key of E for this kind of stuff because you can get that…
So I’ll just do like an E7th to an A7th, lots of ways
you can play that. If you were down here in the first
position you could just do… If you play it in this
position it’s a little more funky.

If you’re just by yourself and you’re wanting to
create almost a band kind of sound, one way to do
that is just to utilize that low E string. Now
I’m jumping from the D to an E. And then I’m
going to an open A string. You want those open
A strings, the open E and A. So back and forth.

What I’ve got going on rhythmically… It’s almost as if
my right hand is a drum. We had a loop going, but if you…

You’ll notice I’m playing in my second chord, my A
chord, I go up to an A7th. Again, these are those
partials that we’re been talking about during the
lesson here. If you look at this position closely,
like your D7th is here. All the way up here is your
A7th. And you’ve still got that open A. So that’s
basically a back-and-forth. Now what you can do is,
you heard me going… That’s almost like a Sly Stone
kind of lick, isn’t it? If you incorporate that into
acoustic guitar it gets really exciting.

So there are a million things you can do with that,
just those two chords back and forth. As far as what
kind of licks you can play on that, it’s endless.
But a lot of this kind of stuff you can get sort
of a… Any kind of punctuated funky, one-stringed
stuff goes good against that.

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How to Play Reggae Rhythms on Acoustic Guitar Wed, 10 Apr 2013 14:29:23 +0000
Hey guys, In today’s video you’ll learn the “darker side” – the minor key of Reggae. To me its just as beautiful as the major sound. Just get ready to learn a killer simple chord progression and strumming pattern plus some other hot tips. You can get the complete DVDs with tabs on April 24th. That’s in 2 short weeks! Stay tuned! I want you guys to get familiar with all up and down the neck, playing these different voicings. This is what makes it interesting rhythmically. We’re talking about rhythm guitar right now; we’re not not so much into lead. By the way, I think rhythm guitar is the most important thing about playing guitar, is playing good rhythm. Because if your rhythm sucks, you suck. Talk to anybody that plays in a band, they want a good rhythm player. They don’t want a guy that just plays a lot of notes. So if you’ve got that great rhythm that makes people get up and dance and feel the music… You’re going to work. The phone is going to ring, as my good friend Michael Peloquin says. And you want the phone to ring.

12 Fun and Easy Reggae Strumming to Play

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How To Play A Reggae Rhythm on Acoustic Guitar Tue, 02 Apr 2013 15:28:35 +0000 Hey,
Check out the latest video from Jimmy Dillon…
Yes, I can’t believe he’s coming out with ANOTHER amazing course.
This one is called Modern Acoustic Guitar. Post your comment!


Hey, I’m Jimmy Dillon. Welcome to Modern Acoustic Guitar. We’re
going to rock your world in an acoustic way right about now.

Our first lesson today is in the key of G. A lot of
people have contacted me through the years about
Jawaiian music and reggae and acoustic reggae and I
think guys like Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, ALO,
there’s a lot of great modern — we talk about
modern acoustic guitar. I wanted to get into the
island feel right away, because it’s just one of
my favorites. I’m going to show you what I’m going
to be playing in the first lesson. It’s just a I
IV G-C and it goes like this.

Now, as you can see, and you’ll probably notice
I do a lot of this. I call them partials. I’m not
playing a whole G chord here. I’m playing just
the bottom four strings in the G chord, which
you’ll hear often in reggae music and this
kind of modern Jawaiian music, they call it,
the tropical flavor.

Basically when you’re in the key of G, that’s
your part, then you go to the IV chord, C, and
then down to G. So for this first exercise we’re
just going to go I IV; I IV, back and forth.
What I’m going to do is I’m going to show you
in real time, with the track — I’ve got a little
loop for you — and it’s got — you’ll probably
recognize the feel. It’s got kind of a reggae
feel, a little bit of Jawaiian on it, which I
really like. I think that’s a cool sound.

So now I’m going to play it for you with the track
and you’re going to see what it sounds like, what
I just showed you right there. Hopefully you got
that, the I and the IV chord back and forth. It’s
a very simple thing but it’s real effective and
it only happens on acoustic guitar in this
particular way. So here we go with the track.
We’re going to run the track right now and I’m
going to play along with you. Here we go.

I can simplify it just by hitting one. That works, too.
That’s really simple. All upstrokes. Okay? G, C, it’s
that easy. Just get into the groove.

Now what I’m going to do is I’m going to take it
apart and show you what I did and then go back
and embellish it a little bit. There are things
we can do on top of that that are very simple
and also kind of a call and response.

Obviously we’re doing a I IV. That’s the most simple
way to do it. I’m doing upstrokes. You’ll notice I’m
doing it right now with my fingers. I like the sound
of rhythm done with the fingers. I can also show you
how it sounds with a pick. Now, it’s going to sound a
little bit different, but for those of you that don’t
do finger style, that’s going to work, too. I’m just
doing an upstroke with my pick. Now you’ll notice I’m
doing the simplest version and I’m letting the bass
and the drums do the rest.

Now, if I want to get a little more… A little
more noise, right? If I was just playing by myself
I might do… That’s a little bit more difficult.
And then if you want to go a little more, I might…
So if you’re sitting in a little cafe on Maui and
you’re trying to contain the troops you might want
to get a little more going. Let me show you exactly
what that is.

That’s a low G, then a B note on your A string
and then a C note on your A string. Now that’s
obviously kind of a Bob Marley kind of thing.
I just want to mention this right away, because
when we talk about Jawaiian, we talk about modern
acoustic guitar, we have to mention the masters.
When you look at Jason Mraz and some of the
proponents of modern sort of reggae/pop/acoustic
music, which is what we’re really dealing with
here. You’ve got to bow to Bob Marley and Peter
Tosh and some of the great reggae players.

When you’re doing this on your own and you want
to make a little bottom going, see that? See that
scratch right there? That is the most broken-down,
simple way I can show this pattern.


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Shorten your “Guitar Feedback loop”and… Mon, 19 Jan 2009 16:49:58 +0000 You can unsubscribe anytime by clicking
the link at the bottom of this email.

Hey Friend,

This is where the 3 secrets to a brain-to-hand connection
“all comes together” in a beautiful way.

It’s another big insight that I’ve never read anywhere
else. It’s how you can “Shorten Your Guitar Feedback
Loop”. Check it out now:

Keep on rocking,
Claude Johnson

P.S. If you dig blues or acoustic guitar playing – run
on over to ( and grab
some of the new Grossman packages. You’ll quickly
realize why Eric Clapton “learned lots from him”.

By the Way, Please Check out Our Guitar Courses and Products!

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