Showing 2,014 Result(s)

Does this solo inspire you?

Friend, I’ve really been in the inspiration zone the last couple days with my guitar… It just feels easier to play for longer periods of time. I have a video today that is going to inspire you also… It’s from JBL – Jonathon Boogie Long… He does a really sweet blues solo (even better than …

Giving away 2 RD-BLUES guitars

hi Friend, Can’t wait for tonight. My wife is taking me out to a fondue place for dinner… Kind of a belated b-day celebration. I’m excited for next week too, so I can hook you guys up with “Boogie Blues Magic”. I really hope you grab these DVDs because I think you’re gonna learn a …

Boogie Blues Birthday Bonus

hi Friend, Was just on the phone with my mom… She asked me how I felt on my birthday. Overall, I feel great! Like Joe Walsh said, “life’s been good to me so far.” On a total side note, if you ever get a chance to watch Joe Walsh play the blues on the “crossroads” …

How to Play Blues Turnarounds for Beginners

hi Friend, I’m more exhausted than a one-legged chicken in a butt-kickin contest 🙂 Par for the course for NAMM, though. My mission now is to recover my energy and get back to Rhode Island! yeahhhh…. Let me show this video that Jon Maclennan did. It’s pretty much a beginner lesson on blues turnarounds, but …

Road Trip!

hi Friend, Filming Boogie Long was an adventure. In a momentary lapse of reason, I thought it would be a good idea to DRIVE down to Baton Rouge Louisiana rather than fly like I usually do. I guess I didn’t realize how far west Louisiana is…haha… Or when I heard “23 hour drive”, it didn’t …