Showing 2,014 Result(s)

new video lesson + bizarre offer coming

hi Friend, Hope you enjoyed my last lesson for beginners on my blog. Now switching to something a bit more advanced, Derryl the Gabelator has a nice video lesson on some cool topics I think you’ll enjoy. Check it out: CLAUDES GUITAR BLOG by the way, if you like Derryl’s stuff, I HIGHLY highly recommend …

OMG — 50 new songs?

hi Friend, I want to plant a seed in your brain. Not literally of course. I’m classy. LOL… 🙂 No, but I want to give you a big heads up in advance that I’m coming out with an all new DVD series later this year. It’s none other than “Ultimate Beginner Guitar 2”. PREVIEW LESSON …

All 4 Parts

Friend , Hope you had a groovacious weekend. Here’s another guitar lesson I just cooked up for you. Actually its a continuation of the previous lesson I sent out. You can watch all 4 parts to this mini series on my blog: CLAUDE JOHNSON BLOG Lots of groovy stuff coming your way in the next …

Big Announcement from Maui

Friend — You’re going to be excited… (I know I am). Go to the page below to watch a very exciting annoucement. ANNOUNCEMENT FROM MAUI Stay tuned to my emails because i’ll have more cool content and lessons coming up for you as always. Rock on, Claude J. ———————————- COOL GUITAR STUFF: FULL CATALOG Jimmy …

African jazz secrets

Hi Friend, This man played some of the biggest jazz festivals. This has really added new layers of edge to my jazz playing lately. Check it out: AFRICAN JAZZ SECRETS I think you’re going to love it. Jazzy times baby! Claude ———————————- FULL CATALOG Jimmy Dillon Summer Sale on DVDs Get some Epic Rhythm Guitar …

Speed + Range = Awesome (video lesson)

Hi Friend, Crazy times… I’m running around like a chicken without my head. Filming a new movie, new guitar lessons, working on a lot of projects, so I didn’t have time to do a lesson for you… However, my good buddy Derryl is stepping up to the plate and offering a sweet little video lesson …

I need your help with C.P. !

Hi Friend, I’m planning to film “Claustin Powers 3” very shortly… If you haven’t seen the first 2, please check my blog 🙂 CLAUDES GUITAR BLOG This is probably going to the last Claustin Powers…sadly… lol… But any more than 3 and its just beating a dead horse with the same old shtick… But I …

Help! I’m confused.

A lot of guitarists get confused by “modes”. I know that I used to be one of those guys. ——————————————- Hi Friend, Yes, I used to scream “Help, I’m confused.” But no more, and you don’t have to be confused by modes either. First of all — there’s a man who’s going to demystify this …