How to Play Lead Guitar Lick with Tapping and Open Strings

Cool Guitar Lick with Tapping and Open Strings -- Lead Guitar Lesson on Tapping Technique

Cool Guitar Lick with Tapping and Open Strings - Lead Guitar Lesson on Tapping Technique

Hi everybody. This is Darrin Goodman from
bringing you this little video lesson today. Today I want
to show you a cool little lick that uses tapping, right
hand tapping, and slides and hammer-ons and pull-offs
and some open string stuff. So it’s got all kinds of
cool stuff in there. So be sure to click on the link in
the description for the tabs and let’s get started.

We’re playing on the 2nd string only. Were going to
play the 2nd string open by picking it with our tapping
finger and then were going to hammer 4 and 5 on with
the 1st and 2nd fingers. Were going to follow that by
tapping 12 again.

Now we’re going to play this riff two more times
at that tempo and then follow it up an additional
time faster and then slide the tapping note from
12 to 10 and then to 9, just like that. Again.

Now we’re going to do that same thing except now
we’re going to tap at 9 instead of 12. So we’ve
got Were going to do it again, tapping at 9,
and we’re going to play the string open, hammer
4, 5, tap 9 and then pull-off back down to 4 and
then slide to 2. Just like that. So far we have
Now we’re going to tap at 9, open, and then hammer
2 and 3 and then tap 9, slide to 12, and then slide
to 10. Again. Then follow it with open, 2, 3, 10.

And then, simply from there, you just come up to the
7th fret with your 1st finger and were just going
to do open, 7, 9, tap 10 to open. Then we’re just
going to work our way down the scale and then just
end with the open string. So the whole thing again.

All right, I hope you enjoyed that. Be sure to click
on the link in the description for the tabs and
until next time

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