Fun And Easy Subscriber Requested Riffs 3.0

Guitar Control presents guitar instructor Darrin Goodman with fun and easy subscriber requested riffs 3.0. Be sure to get the free tabs to go along with the video instruction and you will be rockin’ these sweet riffs tonight!

subscriber riffs 3.0


How’s it going everybody? This is Darrin with bringing you this video lesson and today I’ve got three more subscriber requested riffs. So be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at these.

Subscriber Riff-1 – Round And Round – Ratt

All right so the very first one we have is Round And Round by Ratt and I will just warn you in advance that this has always been an incredibly troublesome riff for me to play consistently. I don’t know what it is about this, but I’ve really struggled and when I got the request for this I was just like… but you know I’m gonna do it anyway. All right so let’s start off we just got an E5 power chord… so first finger on the seventh fret of the A string and then my third finger is just barring the ninth fret of the D and G strings and it’s like one and then two and three and four, just pedaling the E string. Then we’ve got all of these little dyads or double stops, whatever you want to call them. So the first one here; third finger is on the ninth fret of the G string and second finger is on the eighth fret of the B string and we’re hitting this on the and of four and then it’s tied to the downbeat of one so it rings out the equivalent of a quarter note and then on the and of one we hit it again and on the downbeat of two we’re just going to put our first finger here on the seventh fret of the G string and our second finger is still on the eighth fret of the B string, then seven and seven and then seven and five and then five and five… so that’s the first part of it. Now the thing that’s tough where I’ve had the problems is as soon as you hit that then you have to immediately start pedaling the third fret of the A string and jumping over there in time is kind of difficult. So we pedal that… and now we’re going to do that shape again, but we have to go back to the pedals, so you have to reach all the way up so your first finger is on the third fret of the A string, your second finger is on the fifth fret of the G string and then your fourth finger is on the seventh fret of the B string; so it’s a pretty big stretch. So we’re going to hit that pedal at C twice and then we’re gonna back to barring the fifth fret of the G and B string… and then we pedal the open D string once and then we’re gonna put our middle finger down here on to the eighth fret of the B string and we’re gonna pull-off to that… Then we scoot all that shape all the way up so our first finger is on the ninth fret of the G string and our second fingers on the 10th fret of the B string and then we’re going to hit the open low E string and then hit that chord again and then end here on the ninth fret… Then it somewhat kind of repeats after that bar there and then we’re right back to where we started on the and of four of the first measure, the nine and eight… and then the whole thing would just repeat, well not repeat, because that’s just the intro and then it does that during the chorus too I believe.

Subscriber Riff-2 – Power Of The Night – Savatage

All right so the next one I’m going to look at is Power Of The Night by Savatage. So this song is actually in drop C, so they’re tuned down a whole step and then and then the drop tuning, but I’m just in drop D. So if you want to be able to be in the same keys then you’ll have to tune down an entire whole step. So for this riff we start off with just the open low E string palm muted on the on one and then on the downbeat of two it’s the fifth fret on the A string with your third finger; so two and three and four and… and that’s the first measure. Then on the second measure we go down to the third fret of the D string, so this is like one and then on the and of one the open low E string. Then the downbeat of two second fret of the D string and then the and of two the open low E string and we also hit the open low again on the downbeat of three. And then on the and of three second fret of the D string down B to four is the third fret and A four is the fifth fret and that’s half of the riff… Then starting on the third measure it’s the same as the first… fourth measure we just come down to a B flat five (Bb5); so first finger on the first fret of the A string, third finger on the third fret of the D string and this is a half note, so it’s like one two and then for beat three and four it’s C5. So we just move that up a whole step and then it just repeats…

Subscriber Riff-3 – Nobody Rides For Free – Dirty Looks

All right and then finally we have Nobody Rides For Free from Dirty Looks. So this is pretty simple as far as what you know you’re doing you know with your fretting hand and what you’re doing with the picking hand isn’t too terribly difficult, but it’s just that the timing and the swing on this is kind of weird, it’s kind of tricky to get down. All right so what we’ve got is we play the open low E string and then just the high E and B strings open… Then there’s a rest and then the percussive strum and they’re doing it on the B and the G string I think, but really anywhere is fine, just as long as you get that just that… in there and that’s the first three measures. Then on measure four it’s where it starts to get a little bit trickier. Open low E string to the third fret and then we’ve got this E5 chord here; so the second fret of the D string with my first finger, fourth fret of the G string with my third finger and the fifth fret of the B string with my fourth finger and we hit that and then we just go to a D. So the easiest way to make the transition is just to keep your first finger where it is, well technically you’re going to take your first finger and you’re going to move it from the D string to the G string, to move that up bring your second finger to the third fret of the B string, we’re not hitting the high E in this, then we hit the open low E to the third fret back to that D again to A and then open, three, open, three, open and then it just repeats… So getting those chord changes is kind of the trickiest part of it is getting those chord changes there, that’s where I’ve had the most problems with playing it. It’s actually kind of a really cool riff. It’s got a real good swing to a good blues vibe; so it’s a pretty cool riff.


All right so there you have it. Three more subscriber requested riffs. I believe that this will be volume three, maybe volume four, I’m not sure. So if you like this lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this other guitar lead topics. If you have a request for a riff, leave that in the comments too, I plan to continue to do this series and make these request riff videos. There’s also a link in the description of this video so you can download a free chord chart from Guitar Control. It’s actually really cool and you can download it and print it off. It’s very straightforward and has all of the chords that you could ever need for really any kind of music that you’d want to be playing and then it’s just at a glance you know have that information. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching and have a great day.