Going to play with Santana again!

I am looking forward to playing with Carlos Santana and Narada Michael Walden as well as some other great Bay Area musicians on december 17th in my home town of Mill Valley. The show is a yearly event that benefits kids and music, my 2 favorite causes!

That reminds me of a memorable gig a few  years back in San Francisco with blues legend John Lee Hooker, Lonny Mack and the Santana Band…I was in the audience ready to enjoy the show when the bartender handed me a note saying the owner wanted to see me…so I went downstairs to see what was up and found out that Lonny Mack, the legendary Texas guitar slinger, was delayed at the airport and would I be willing to open the show…

I was of coursed honored to be asked and rushed home (I live 2 blocks away) to grab “Stacey” my trusty Natioonal resophonic guitar, and proceeded to perform a short opening set for 3 of my heros! I ws blown away to even share the same stage with these guys and when I got backstage  Carlos said” he man I luv your down- in -the -bucket stuff”…well needless to say that made my day!

Have a rocking day!

Jimmy Dillon



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