Hey, how’s it going guys this is Jon McLennan with Guitar Control, bringing you this video lesson, we’re looking at an “8 Bar Blues Progression” and this is you know in the style of Ray Charles. If you’ve heard of his tune, hard times this is a real cool set of changes to play over, and also kind of improvise on quarterly as I just was a second ago, so let me show you the changes.
Check the image above to follow the chords and tabs.
We’re going to start out on an e flat bar chord like this and this, on the sixth fret and then the eighth and eighth sparring with my third finger, so that’s our first chord.
Three, four, and then go to a g9 over d, this is like your g9 kind of chord shape but I put the fifth in the bass, then I’m going to walk down to a c minor seven, and play with my thumb like this. Like Jimi Hendrix style, with first finger barring the four strings and thumb playing the root note and of course I can do that chromatic stuff if I’m coming off this. I can just walk down, it gives me this nice effect.
Then I’m keep walking here, I have a b9 chord. This is the seventh fret, seventh fret, sixth fret; fourth, fourth, actually it’s a b13. Once I add that high string and then b flat minor 7 again. A 13 which is 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, and then just move that down a half step to a flat 13, then I walk back up with a diminished shape. This is a diminished chord fifth fret, fourth fret, fifth fret, and fourth.
Then I move to this three note chord here, this is a triad basically an e flat over b flat. Real nice sounds fourth fret, fifth fret, and sixth fret, and moves to the sixth chord which is c nine, and again another one of these thumb chords f, f7 sharp five, then move to that same shape up to the sixth fret, to a b flat seven sharp five, returning home to the tonic which is e flat, then I walk up doing just octaves, kind of a typical thing you’ll hear in the blues, and then ending with another thumb chord, a flat over b flat.
Let’s see if we can put these chords together and be sure to subscribe on our YouTube Channel and we’ll see you in our next video, thanks for watching.