II V I Jazz Guitar Variations | Easy Ways to Do It

Hey guys!

In this guitar lesson, I will teach you some cool
variations for the V chord. Ofcourse, I´m talking about the
II V I jazz chord progression.
Hope you like it!!!

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Hey, guys. Claude Johnson from guitarcontrol.com
back with another mini lesson. I’m going to try
to make this real quick, but I want to show you
two cool variations on the II V I.]

If you’re not familiar with II V I, it would go
something like this. That happens to be
in the key of A. I’m playing B minor 7, which
is the II; E7, which is the V; and A major 7,
which is the I.

So real quick on the theory for in the key of A,
the second note of the scale would be B. So if
you build a four-note chord off the B, that’s
your II chord. You build a four-note chord off the V,
that’s your E7. And of course, a four-note
chord off the I is your A major 7.

So the fingerings are, I’m just barring across
the G, D and B strings and grabbing the low E
string with my thumb and muting the A string.
A very cool chord. You can just grab any fret.
The E7 is the V chord. I’ve got my ring finger
on the 7th fret A string; middle finger on the
6th fret D string; pinkie on the 7th fret G
string and first finger on the 5th fret B string.

Also notice this little shape on just the first
three strings of the chord. That’s just a great
three-note 7th chord with no 5th. It’s very
common in blues. There’s no 5th in this chord.
Or we do the octave. Then the major 7th, a lot
of jazz guys wouldn’t use their thumb, but I’m
just going to play it my own style. I use the
thumb to get the low E string 5th fret, and then
I’ve got my middle finger on the 6th fret D string,
ring finger on the 6th fret G string and first
finger on the 5th fret E string.

So the two variations that I want to show you,
we’re going to change the V chord. So instead of
a 7 we’re going to go to a 9. It gives it a nice,
different flavor. So instead of this, we’ll go
like this. And that 9 chord, I’m switching my
fingers around to rearrange them to get the
right notes. So this one I have middle finger
on the 7th fret A string; first finger on the
6th fret D string; ring finger on the 7th fret
G string; pinkie on the 7th fret B string.

A lot of guys know the basic II V I; maybe you
even know the 9 chord. Here’s a little something
different. It’s an E9 sharp 5. A very cool sound.
This chord is basically root, 3rd, sharp 5 and 9.
We leave-out the 7th. It’s a nice, tight voicing.
It just gives you some options, some ideas,
some colors to play with.

I hope that was useful and if you want to learn
more about jazz and jazz guitars, go to
guitarcontrol.com/jazz. We have an awesome
chorus from Instructor Claymore and you’re
going to learn a lot of cool stuff. So go
check that out, guitarcontrol.com/jazz and
I’ll catch you next time.

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