Hey, what’s up? It’s Claude Johnson. I’ve got like three minutes,
so I’m going to try to give you a lesson real quick. Here we go.
So here’s probably the number one chicken pickin’ lick. So all I’m
doing is I’m on the 7th fret of the G and B strings, pluck those
with my middle and ring finger. Then I go down to the 5th, do the
same thing, but then I hammer-on with my middle finger to the 6th fret.
Hammer-on and pull-off. And then I use my ring finger to get the 7th
fret on the D string.
So real slow, 7th, 5th, hammer-on, pull-off, 7th. And I’m just really
that last note with the pick, using my other two fingers, again, the
ring and middle finger, to get those G and B strings. So pick on the
D string, pluck on the G and B string.