Learn a killer ascending lick in E minor from Guitar Control instructor Darrin Goodman. Be sure to get the free tabs for this lesson and you will be rockin’ this killer ascending lick in E minor tonight!

Hey everybody how’s it going? This is Darrin with GuitarControl.com bringing you this video lesson. Today I’ve got another somewhat easy, killer ascending legato lick. So I did one in a similar lesson a couple weeks ago and you guys really seem to dig it so I thought I’d do another one; I’ll leave a link for that video if you haven’t seen it right here so you can check that out. All right so be sure to click on the link in the description for the tabs and let’s get close up and take a look at this killer ascending lick in E minor .
Ascending Legato Lick In E Minor
All right so I’m doing this killer legato lick in the key of E minor, but it’s movable, so it’s kind of weird especially if you are kind of a beginner and you’re not really knowledgeable in scales this might be kind of confusing because it’s in E minor but we’re starting on a B. So how the sequence works is that we’re going to play six notes of a position and then move our way up. So we’re starting here, we’re actually in the third position of G major which is the Phrygian shape starting here on B. So we’re gonna pick that and then hammer-on with our first finger and then hammer to the eighth fret with our second finger and then to the 10th fret with our fourth finger… And then we’re going to go to the A string and its the 7th, 9th, 10th frets… All right now we’re going to shift up to our next position which would be Lydian; so now we’re going to go starting on the A string and it’s the 9th, 10th, 12th frets, and then to the D string 9th, 10th, 12th frets. So how I’m playing when I pick this is I’m just doing a down stroke on each one or you could go down up down up if you wanted, but that’s just how I’ve always kind of done this. I pick and then just let the pick come to a rest on the next string… All right so then after that starting on the D string now we’re going to shift up a half step and it’s going to be the 10th, 12th, 14th frets and then when we go to the G string we have to shift up and go 11th, 12th, 14th frets… Then from there we’re going to shift up again so now we’re on the 12th fret of the G string and it’s going to be 12th, 14th, 16th frets and this is the natural minor scale, Aeolian 12th, 14th, 16th frets and then we’re gonna have to shift up a half step again and go 13th, 15th, 17th frets on the B string… And then finally from there we’re going to shift up and now we would be in the Locrian, the 7th position and it’s going to be 15th, 17th, 19th frets on the B string and then 15th, 17th, 19th frets on the high E string…
Lick Variations
Alright now you could pick the entire lick if you wanted to… either way is cool, I just really kind of like the sound of the legato with this; I just think it just sounds really good and it’s in my opinion easier to play, especially if you’re trying to get it fast you’re somewhat a beginner it’s easier to do that than it is to alternate pick it really quick in my opinion. Now you can move like I said this is movable. So if you moved the whole thing up a whole step then everything would just be… it would just move everything up so you can move it around to wherever you want. So as far as knowing what key you’re going to play this killer ascending legato lick in, like I said this is an E minor, but we’re starting on B. So if you count it up from or if you count it down from E… it’s two and a half steps below, so here’s E… one whole step 10th fret, one whole step 8th fret and then a half step 7th fret. So if you wanted to do this in, let’s say in the key of A minor you could here… if you go down from here you’re gonna have to do it with a bunch of open strings so it’s probably gonna be easier to start from your reference up here. So now we’re gonna A whole step, whole step, half, so it’s gonna start here… I don’t have enough frets on this guitar, you need 24 frets to be able to do it there, but you can kind of move it around to wherever you want and if you know the seven positions then this is something that you know you don’t necessarily have to start here on the Phrygian one you could start on Ionian… so you’d be Ionian and then Dorian and then… you can move it around with whichever shapes you want. I think actually there I forgot what key I was in there for a second; so I think a couple of little parts of that were wrong, but hopefully you get the general idea of what I’m talking about and enjoy learning this killer ascending lick in E minor
So there you have it, a killer ascending legato lick in E minor kind of like the one like I said we did a couple weeks ago, you guys really seem to dig it so I wanted to do something more like it again. So if you like this killer ascending lick in E minor lesson be sure to give me a thumbs up and leave a comment down below if you have any questions about this killer ascending lick in E minor or other guitar related topics. If you’ve not already done so please subscribe to the channel and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss any of the content like this killer ascending legato lick in E minor that we upload throughout the week. Well that is all I have for you today. Thanks for watching Learn a killer ascending lick in E minor and have a great day.